RECOMMENDATION: Shaarimoth - Current 11

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
With spirits high thanks to the overwhelming wave of critique for yesterday's recommendation, we move towards the next one!

Shaarimoth is a death metal band of the good kind, and they come from Norway. It's a bit like Morbid Angel back in the day, and Nile when at their best (only better) and reeks of the whole chaos-gnosticist stuff (arckanum/dissection/ofermod/whatever) because that's what it is, except more death metal oriented. Very good stuff.

Liber azerate!

(no i don't think this sone was written while waiting for a wiping of the behind)

Listen to loudly and violently headbanging.
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Groovy, funky, far out, wacky, tubular. All those words can describe the four tracks above. Maybe a little too "eclectic" for an album I'd find myself spending time to absorb. Though this shit would be great live with suds in hand, no doubt.