Recommendation: Stigmata IV - The Court of Eternity

Dark One

The Tainted Dogma
Feb 5, 2002
Southwest Florida
First, I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to date. Some outstanding music has already been presented in a relatively short amount of time and every selection so far has been worthy of attention. Second, Dark One is presenting this a few days early due to attending the Heathen Crusade Festival this weekend in Minneapolis and will probably be in no condition to do a write up upon returning. And so, on we go......


Stigmata IV - The Court of Eternity

01. The Crusade Of Lies
02. Nature's Revenge - Nature's Revenge.mp3
03. Fever Dream
04. Room Eleven
05. Don't Close Your Eyes
06. The Court of Eternity - The Court of Eternity.mp3
07. Mirror Man
08. Dark Desire - Dark Desire.mp3
09. Final Hour
10. Fool III (Only Blood Makes Me Sane)

This dark, heavy and melodic power/progressive Austrian band has been known by several different names throughout their just recently ended 13 year career, including Stigmata, Stigmata IV and ultimately Stygma IV due to various legal issues. Well, it never mattered to me what they chose to call themselves as long as long as the music retained it's consistent quality. And of that I have no doubt.

1998's "The Court of Eternity" was released under the Stigmata IV moniker and represents everything I love about this band. The power of lead singer Ritchie Krenmaier's unique clean vocal style and the crunching, technically proficient axework of Günter Maier are the main driving forces behind their aggressive and catchy sound. Utilizing these strengths as a foudation, the band can shift from a fast, heavy yet simplistic hitter like "The Crusade of Lies", to the more progressive and technical approach of "Mirror Man" without losing a shred of quality. Krenmaier's confidence is clearly evident throughout, aiding in the band's focused approach. Nowhere is this confidence more apparent than on personal favorite track "Nature's Revenge" - the vocals are presented here in just such an effortless, emotional and ultimately effective way (check out that amazing passage from the 2:33 mark to the 2:56 mark). Finally, the production is a clear positive; crisply highlighting the strengths of the sound.

So, will these guys turn your metal world on it's ear? Probably not - there's nothing overly innovative or earth shattering about their music. But what they did, they did well and they deserved to be recognized by so many more than they were. Well, it would be nice if at least a few more people can recognize the talent the band once possessed, even if it is too little too late. And hey, that's all we're trying to do here, right?

Might work for me, as I'm leaning towards uploading something non-metal (though still heavy) everyone attending HC, may you bask in the glories of epic metal and drink like a Viking, and be prepared to re-conquer the forum the second you get back to your boring lives... :)
my suggestion is pretty much Canadian folk or folk rock or something. Very relaxing and stuff, but with cool sometimes epic and mystical songs. Hopefully it'll go over well with this forum in all it's pinkage.
This sounds very interesting. In fact, in reading this recommendation, I'm not sure why Dark One didn't recommend this to me sooner. I'll check out those sound files when I'm somewhere I can play them.

Holy hell, this guy sounds IDENTICAL at times to Twisted Tower Dire's vocalist! cool! hahah what the fuck he just did something really weird
Ok, listened to all 3. Not too bad, some really nice Iron Maiden-isms going on in there, and very VERY little prog (Zod, I can't imagine you liking this all that much). I don't know if I'd buy anything by these guys, but they're pretty good at fairly straightforward power metal.
My 2c: First of all, I'm not very keen on power metal, the only band I've found worthwhile in the long is, perhaps unsurprisingly, Blind Guardian. This (Nature's Revenge) however was simply too cheesy for me, with the little tweety birds followed by sawing sounds and then some seriously lame lyrics.
spaffe said:
My 2c: First of all, I'm not very keen on power metal, the only band I've found worthwhile in the long is, perhaps unsurprisingly, Blind Guardian. This (Nature's Revenge) however was simply too cheesy for me, with the little tweety birds followed by sawing sounds and then some seriously lame lyrics.

Fair enough, thanks for your input. I tell ya, it's definitely hard to come up with a band in the metal world that is both one that I enjoy and one that I've hardly ever seen discussed around these parts. Stygma IV is a band that I used to enjoy very much in my early internet metal days where bands like Gamma Ray, Angra and Blind Guardian were at the center of what I focused on simply due to lack of knowledge of other genres coupled with an aversion to growls that was overcome at a later date.

I agree that their lyrics are not a strongpoint, but do feel that the music and vocals have enough redeeming value to recommend them for someone that may be interested in the style. There are probably a few other bands I have waiting in the recommendation wings that would appeal more to the majority of folks around these parts, but since the band just recently called it a day, I thought a tiny tribute was in order on my part. Anyway thanks again. :)
