Recommendation: The Angelic Process - Coma Waering


Oct 13, 2002
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The Angelic Process - Coma Waering


1. My Blood Still Whispers
2. The Sun In Braids
3. Mouvement-The Flesh Is Weak
4. Crippled Healing
5. Coma Waering
6. Mouvement-The Rest Of The World Is Noise
7. Rid The Past By Dying
8. Mouvement-Shielded By Death/Suspended In Light

Ambient Drone Metal

Lava-flow metal. Dense waves of crushing warm ambient drone propelled into the glare of a dying sun. A constantly shifting sculpture of swarming, celestial dissonance and violent sonic beauty. 40 minutes of layered hyperkinetic eruptions and shimmering white noise from the same universe as My Bloody Valentine, Swans, Merzbow and Jesu. - Paradigms Recordings

The songs are moody plods, droney dirges, but within these songs, and beneath all the murk and fuzz and buzz, there are buried epic swells, heart rending melodies, soaring beneath the gauze and haze... - Aquarius Records
The description was certainly accurate.Been recently converted to Swans and even more recently to My bloody Valentine, I like this stuff much more than Jesu for instance.
Thanatopsis123 said:
By the way, if anyone likes this well enough to want to buy it, they should get on it. Like all Paradigms Recordings releases, it's limited to 750 copies.

Fucking done.

And on a side note, I want to lick your breast.
I like this a lot
kind of like estoteric and nuerosis in places but like the whole mix is wrung through distortion

I guess there are a lot more levels to this than a non noise fan would imagine
excellent reco
Noise is a genre I've never bothered with and never really been interested in and that's likely to continue. But this is actually really good stuff. It's music to disappear into late at night, with your headphones tight around your head. Great recomendation
This is good! Way more here than the typical (and imo frightfully boring) dark-ambient act. There's a vast current of emotion flowing amidst the noise, and while I feel it's slightly inappropiate to bring this genre into consideration for comparison here, it does channel similar vibes and structures as are embodied in post-rock, so even fans of such would hopefully get something from this.
this is some Ace study music btw.

Nothing to distract you too much, but plenty going on to keep you from getting bored. Just the right mix.