Recommendation: Type O Negative - October Rust

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Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands

For my recos, I went back to the basics. Too many in this forum ignore this magnificent band for ridiculous reasons. Fact is, they are amazing, and have been since the beginning. October Rust is the pinnacle of their career. It has a certain pop feel on some songs, with TON's ever present doom feel. I've picked Love You to Death because it is one of the band's best songs and gives a fairly accurate representation of what they are about. Red Water is one of their doomy numbers, while Burnt Flowers Fallen (my personal favorite) is much more upbeat (at times).

Check it out, or miss out.

1. Bad Ground
3. Love You to Death
4. Be My Druidess
5. Green Man
6. Red Water (Christmas Mourning)
7. My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
8. Die With Me
9. Burnt Flowers Fallen
10. In Praise of Bacchus
11. Cinnamon Girl
12. The Glorious Liberation of the People's Tehnocratic Republic of Vinnland By the Combined Forces of the United Territories of Europa
13. Wolf Moon (including Zoanthropic Paranoia)
14. Haunted
It's a very cool album but of course Bloody Kisses > this. For personal reasons i passed through a phase that i was full of hate about this band, despite actually enjoying them highly. I came to my senses soon however.
i like bloody kisses, but for me, it doesnt get really good until summer breeze. black number 1 is just ok
Type O Negative have served as a personal soundtrack of sorts through the last fifteen years of my life, for good or for ill. Their music has been constantly there, and in a weird way, the themes have proven relevent as well. This one came out my freshman year in college, there are a lot of memories tied up into listening to it.
Interesting that you posted this thread on my birthday, as this just might be my favorite album of all time.
These guys have always been one of those bands where I hear one of their songs, think 'that's really cool, I should get that' - and then I don't. I actually had the 'After Dark' DVD for ages, and watched it several times - it works just as well as a comedy as a music DVD, incidentally, the band are hilarious - especially the part where an interviewer asks Josh Silver what would be the one thing he'd do to make the band better, and without missing a beat, Silver says 'I'd quit.'
Too many in this forum ignore this magnificent band for ridiculous reasons. Fact is, they are amazing, and have been since the beginning.
Agreed. One of the greatest bands of the past 20 years, and too many people write them off far too quickly. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be this one, but Bloody Kisses is close, and everything else takes a close 3rd. Bands simply don't stay this solid for 2 albums in a row, let alone 16 years worth of great material.
Type O Negative have served as a personal soundtrack of sorts through the last fifteen years of my life, for good or for ill. Their music has been constantly there, and in a weird way, the themes have proven relevent as well. This one came out my freshman year in college, there are a lot of memories tied up into listening to it.
:kickass: Agreed, except October Rust came out my junior year of high school. :loco:
These guys have always been one of those bands where I hear one of their songs, think 'that's really cool, I should get that' - and then I don't. I actually had the 'After Dark' DVD for ages, and watched it several times - it works just as well as a comedy as a music DVD, incidentally, the band are hilarious - especially the part where an interviewer asks Josh Silver what would be the one thing he'd do to make the band better, and without missing a beat, Silver says 'I'd quit.'
Get this, Bloody Kisses, or World Coming Down. NOW! :Spin: