recommendations round 2!

From the message from Alice inside the CD, this album was inspired by his stay in an asylum due to problems with alcohol. As a concept album, it tells a very interesting story. Although the songs are good individually, I highly recommend listening to the album in one sitting.

The songs can be divided into two categories. The first deals with Alice and his revelations during his stay. "From the Inside" gives you a hard-charging pace that gives you the feeling of Alice slowly going out of control. Lines like "I got lost on the road somewhere. Was it Texas, or was it Canada?" and "Where's my makeup? Where's my face?" let you hear his bewilderment as his world is changing. The other songs in this category are "The Quiet Room," "How You Gonna See Me Now," and "For Veronica's Sake."

The order of these songs takes you through his stay. After losing control, his next personal song is "The Quiet Room" which gives you the ideas running through his head as he is isolated. "How You Gonna See Me Now" goes to his revelation of how things are going to be at home after he leaves. He wonders has his stay will change things. "For Veronica's Sake" is the song of a guy finding some motivation to get out of the asylum. Good stuff.

The other category contains portraits of the other patients, some from their perspective. "Wish I Were Born in Beverly Hills" talks about a spoiled, young woman who has trouble coping with life. "Nurse Rozetta" tells of a preacher fantasizing about one of the nurses. "Millie and Billie" is about a couple of crazed lovers brought into the asylum for their crime of passion. "Serious" tells the story about a gambler and his addiction. Finally "Jackknife Johnny" is about a Vietnam War veteran who loses control when trying to come to grips with life at home. All are very powerful songs.

The album ends with an anthem "Inmates (We're All Crazy)," which sums it all up nicely. In my opinion, this is a must-have album.
Wolftribe said:
i have absolutely no money

Get a job, wooooo theres a concept.

3 inches of Blood - Advance and VAnquish
Gwar - Violence has arrived
Haunted - self titled, Revolver
Inflames - Lunar straIN , jester RAce
Iced Earth - Birnt Offerings
Kalmah - they will return, swampsong
CHildren Of bodom - something wild, hatebreeder
Running Wild- Death or Glory
Amon Amarth- Once Sent from the GOlden Hall
Wolftribe said:
i dont have enough time for a job

?????? how come???
Let me guess.

You have a girlfriend, a band, school, chores, maybe two girlfreinds and a dog , right?.?. If not then i dont see how. Unless you take care of elderly people.
Wolftribe said:
anyway, more recommendations, people!

ohhh, the new Caliban cd is pretty good.
ever take a listen to Zyklon ?
New Finntroll is fucking cool.
Anything by Amon Amarth .
Strapping young lad , anything by them.
Dimension Zero Silent Night FEver
Mayhem Chimera
SOnata Artica Winter HEarts Guild, oR Ecliptica
Blind Guardian Imaginations from the Otherside, Tales From the twilight world
Anthrax Volume 8
The Forsaken, anything you can find
Carnal Forge , Arent you dead yet?
Gwar WAr party( Bonesnapper )
Megadeth Peace Sells but whos buying?
Judas Preist Sad wings of Destiny
Loner said:
You should already have it, but just in case:

Death- Human

Also, try these:
Necrophagist- Epitaph
The Forsaken- Traces of the Past or Arts of Desolation
Anyone who doesn't own all of the death albums is untr00... and yeah necrophagist rule, the forsaken are pretty darn good too
death sux so does control denied
so odes, gwar,Blind Guardian, opeth and a host of other bad enterainment, impress me kids ok
I thought Gwar s last three albums were pretty fucking good. Their last two were both good metal albums. If you like Punk/metal hybrid stuff.
rebirth said:
death sux so does control denied
so odes, gwar,Blind Guardian, opeth and a host of other bad enterainment, impress me kids ok
Just out of curiosity, what Death albums have you heard? I'm doubting anythig before Symbolic, judging by that statement.