
Mithotyn, Aegrimonia, Sigh, Enslaved, Noctuary. Hit me up on AIM if you want some stuff. TheSpaceCrusader

I can hook you up dawg.
Dude, if you're into Nevermore then you MUST check the band called Invocator! It's very heavy thrash. They have existed since the late 80's but they've never become "big" outside Denmark. Here's a link to their website - there're some samples - just click on "sounds" :D
Max, you trust me right? :D

check out a band call: Ominous (swedish)
they RULE, and very much your style

also: if you are "bored" with the style you normally listen to,
why don't you check Immortal's album: "Damned In Black" ?
(I think you'll like it- and I specifically want you to listen to that one for the same reasons I burnt ya a specific Destruction CD)

I highy recomand you also: Carnal Forge, Corporation 187, Dew Sentenced

and look for the new Amon Amarth!!! (release date 6th of Sep in Europe)
Its a KILLER new album!!!!!!!!
Dead Soul Tribe (ex-Psychotic Waltz)
A_Life [Divided]
Symphorce (last album has obvious Nevermore touches)
Death Machine
Thy Disease
Gordian Knot
Theory In Practice

there, that might keep you busy for a while