I cant listen right now (housemates), but all I'll say is peoples music tastes are subjective. Say THE WORST band in existance starts getting a huge following and is selling a ton of merch, of course a label is going to take notice.

I'd recommend that you and your band do what it takes to become the biggest band of your genre in Greece, and then bigger things might just follow.....

Have a look at what successful bands that are peers of yours have done and see what has worked for them.
I cant listen right now (housemates), but all I'll say is peoples music tastes are subjective. Say THE WORST band in existance starts getting a huge following and is selling a ton of merch, of course a label is going to take notice.

I'd recommend that you and your band do what it takes to become the biggest band of your genre in Greece, and then bigger things might just follow.....

Have a look at what successful bands that are peers of yours have done and see what has worked for them.

thanks for your time and info.I appreciate it.

Small label, but they are cool and focused on Extreme Metal and... uh, Punk? You won't likely see this name on the back of any CD's so I thought I'd mention it. They probably can't help much in European markets, but they are looking to expand so what the hell, you might want to check it out.
Dude, I'm from Indiana, so that's as remote as Greece pretty much (haha, I kid).

Machinated summed up the thoughts I had, only I used the of asking for label addresses as an example of what he's talking about. To me, it's all about the work you put into your band...It's great you travelled to record your music...But will a label care? Does anyone else? Being in a band is hard, hard work if you are trying to get somewhere, and it never ends. IMO, going on a forum and simply asking for the stuff you want, even as simple and mundane as your request, is a potential indicator of a band taking the easy way, or just SPAMming labels. I apologize if it sounds harsh, I don't really mean it to be. But, doing the hard work on your own and making people wanna take you serious goes a lot farther in my book than hitting up random dudes for a handout.
Dude, I'm from Indiana, so that's as remote as Greece pretty much (haha, I kid).

Machinated summed up the thoughts I had, only I used the of asking for label addresses as an example of what he's talking about. To me, it's all about the work you put into your band...It's great you travelled to record your music...But will a label care? Does anyone else? Being in a band is hard, hard work if you are trying to get somewhere, and it never ends. IMO, going on a forum and simply asking for the stuff you want, even as simple and mundane as your request, is a potential indicator of a band taking the easy way, or just SPAMming labels. I apologize if it sounds harsh, I don't really mean it to be. But, doing the hard work on your own and making people wanna take you serious goes a lot farther in my book than hitting up random dudes for a handout.

You are right but as easy is to ask for help on a forum its also easy to speak for someone and judge someone on a forum.So I think we are on the same way.But ok its your opinion...And I bet you didnt even go to our myspace to listen to what we do.I dont mean you should have done it but fuck you are talking and judging us so go listen first.As I did with your band.....
And I dont really believe that its that important what I ask to mention so many times.And to be the only one who does it here in this topic.No offence just curiousity.
You are right but as easy is to ask for help on a forum its also easy to speak for someone and judge someone on a forum.So I think we are on the same way.But ok its your opinion...And I bet you didnt even go to our myspace to listen to what we do.I dont mean you should have done it but fuck you are talking and judging us so go listen first.As I did with your band.....

So, are you wanting label addresses or us to listen to your band? :Smug:

I kid, calm down. :p
I did want addresses and opinions(which I got) and nothing more(which i did not get due to you):headbang:

I am calm not a problem

You never asked anyone for opinions on your music, you just linked your myspace. You said that you thought it was wrong of nwright to judge you before listening to your music. However he was judging the fact that you seemed to be taking an easy option of getting your name out to labels (something that could be detrimental in the long run, because you're in effect spamming them), rather than doing the hard work and them coming to you because you seem to be playing great shows, and getting a lot of interest. That has nothing to do with what your music is like, or how good musicians you are.

Don't take offense to any of this, I'm simply trying to explain what nwright meant, in a way that may be more understandable to you.
You never asked anyone for opinions on your music, you just linked your myspace. You said that you thought it was wrong of nwright to judge you before listening to your music. However he was judging the fact that you seemed to be taking an easy option of getting your name out to labels (something that could be detrimental in the long run, because you're in effect spamming them), rather than doing the hard work and them coming to you because you seem to be playing great shows, and getting a lot of interest. That has nothing to do with what your music is like, or how good musicians you are.

Don't take offense to any of this, I'm simply trying to explain what nwright meant, in a way that may be more understandable to you.

Not a problem.I just wanna let you know that I ve never heard of any Greek band that a label got in contact with them.We are talking with many big bands which actually they are our friends(firewind,septic flesh,rotting christ,nightrage)and none of them told us that a label contacted them.They contacted they labels.Its difficult to get a label to contact you.Greece is a poor country.
You never asked anyone for opinions on your music, you just linked your myspace. You said that you thought it was wrong of nwright to judge you before listening to your music. However he was judging the fact that you seemed to be taking an easy option of getting your name out to labels (something that could be detrimental in the long run, because you're in effect spamming them), rather than doing the hard work and them coming to you because you seem to be playing great shows, and getting a lot of interest. That has nothing to do with what your music is like, or how good musicians you are.

Don't take offense to any of this, I'm simply trying to explain what nwright meant, in a way that may be more understandable to you.

and plz friend look at the very first post I did on this topic.I dont ask mainly for help.I ask for experiences and opinions.