record preamp out real amp without cab

Sep 15, 2008
i read that you can record real amp preamp out output without cab or load box connected with stand by on in amp.
is that true?
I remember trying this with a valveking. Im quite positive that I got no sound. This is regardless of the fact that it may be harmful to the amp.

I did end up getting a surprisingly good sound with valveking + impulses...but i was playing with the cab hooked up.

edit....oh yea.....1st post!
I don't know ANY Peavey all-valve head which can do that...

Engl is rather the exception than the rule when it comes to this.
You *have* to have a cab hooked up, correct? Like, if you were going to record preamp out... Any ways around it?

You have to have a load hooked up matching the impedance of the speaker out. That can either be a cab or a dummy load.

Unless, it's an Engl... ;) Because their FX-/preamp-out is active on standby.
Apparently the Countryman Type85 DI box doubles as a dummy load with an output so you can capture the power tube goodness (very important for Recto owners). So if you don't have a DI already I'd say get one and kill two birds with one stone there :)

Or a used THD HotPlate. Or build a dummy load out of a resistor/resistors and a 1/4" jack. I think Engl amps are the only ones who allow the signal to pass with the amp on standby. So if you own anything else you'll need a load of some kind.
hm... I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I don't think starting a new one would be worth it. But, I',m using my fp10 for DI's... would it be wise to invest in a di box? (I am looking for a reamp box and was thinking about the LL Red eye, but don't know if it's worth it if I could get by with a prormp)
Yes, the general consensus of experience says that a quality DI box, even some of the cheaper ones, can give you better DI tracks over the built-in instrument inputs on almost all the prosumer interfaces out these days.
some amps preamps work on standby, some don't. if the amp is on standby, it doesn't need a load. just make SURE you don't turn the amp off standby... unless you wanna pay someone a lot of money to fix your amp. I have a 5150 and a Mesa Stiletto Trident. the 5150 needs to have standby turned off, the Stiletto does not. it just depends. I would say most amps need to have standby off though.... but I'm not the expert by any means...
yes, my valveking doesn´t work with stand by OFF.
and then...i need CAB connected or LOAD box to not break the amp, correct?

and yes, i´m very surprised sound i can get with valveking + impulses.
For this problem I have make a jack with a 4 ohm resistor solded on.
This should simulate the load on power out, but I can't put out a large quantity of power otherwise the resistor it can fuse....
For this problem I have make a jack with a 4 ohm resistor solded on.
This should simulate the load on power out, but I can't put out a large quantity of power otherwise the resistor it can fuse....

is that a good method? i could try it.;)
valveking hasn´t MASTER volumen and then i can´t record preamp out without listen to the cab...