recorded music (lp, cd, cassette) VS. internet download


Jun 25, 2002
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It's Grammy Award time and apparently this has brought on some (more) hype about the "downfall" of the CD. With retail outlets going bankrupt and/or closing up shop, people are pointing fingers. It's the recording industry's fault for overpromoting crappy music and overcharging us or it's the consumer's fault for "pirating" music via the internet. So the apparent solution to this quandary is to figure out how to make consumers pay for what they download, and/or turn music stores into download kiosks.

Does anyone find this disturbing? Why or why not?
What I find disturbing is the fucking music industry of today. It's not the internets fault that the music industry is crumbling down. Look at all the bullshit in MTV that's called music, no wonder why the recording industry is so fucked up. Downloading may not help popular bands or popular artists, but it certainly helps underground bands that are trying to make decent music and get some money.
Its the RIAA's fault. They price CD's at nearly 20 dollars now. This keeps me from buying popular music (I rarely buy it anyway) so I spend most of my time picking up vinyl 7inches all the time.

Secondly, the RIAA has lied. In 2001 they released 31000 new albums by different artists. In 2002 they released 21000 yet complained that they didnt make as much cash this time around. So, just to let you konw, this isnt piracy. Its greed.

Thirdly, I am against piracy, but in a different way. Ive been in several bands, so I know the sting of theft. Thing is, I like MP3's. I like people downloading a few songs on MP3 and then picking up the album afterward. ITs only fair. Try first, buy second.
Thing is, I like MP3's. I like people downloading a few songs on MP3 and then picking up the album afterward. ITs only fair. Try first, buy second.

Agree, I discovered many bands this way, and wouldn't get some new albums without a 'pre-listening' anyway.
But paying for the dowloading is pure fucking commerce, most of the massive over-promotions are however made to the detriment of UG artists, & an mp3 can't & doesn't replace an album.
Some sharing places (like Napster) were already overtaken by the E-commerce places, here they lost many customers, sure, it's better to share good mp3 without massive pop-ups plug anyway.