Now for a more serious but equally valid reply to the shitty argument presented in this thread by Tonka Turd....blahblahblah
You've never encountered anyone who liked something that could be considered "edgy" because of the image associated with it?
Someones a little butthurt...oh I'm sorry, a little True Butthurt. Hope you feel your special place in the big family that is metal

.....faggot (I ended the line with the word faggot after a breif pause, kinda like how Tyler the Creator does at times. I did this just to look cool.) The fact that you go on to list how YOU dress is further proof that you are bothered by anyone attacking your "True" status. This amuses me and otherwise is irrelevant.
So if someone likes something that can be considered "edgy" it makes them a "poser"? This makes any fucking sense at all? Seriously brah?
So people that like "edgy" things can't genuinely like them???
I honestly think you cut your own "argument" short.
It would be the same as if I replied with "So you've never known people that like stuff?".....fucking seriously

Thats supposed to be an argument against anything that I said???
Just Tonka Turded all over ya didn't I?
I ASSUME what you meant to type was "You've never encountered anyone who liked something that could be considered "edgy" because of the image associated with it
just to look cool." To which my reply is of course people do that. The thing is that people who try to look cool arn't going to dig into metal that isn't widely known. In other words the bands they will claim to be into to look cool probably suck and therefore I don't care. If there are that many "posers" latching onto music that you actually like then you probably like shitty music.