recording a demo-need some advice

Apr 20, 2006
Alright, I'm recording a demo for my band. Things are going good but I have some questions.

I recorded the drums first, they sound good too me.. Then we did the guitars. Everything sounds great through the monitors. Now I haven't exactly totally mixed everything to my liking yet but I exported the stuff we have done so far so our lyricist can go over them.

What I need advice about is mastering I suppose. I export it and it seems like the guitars don't sound as clear and everything just sounds worse than before.

Any help? Here's a clip

listen to Moamm1
Cool man...

First of all, those lower toms make things clip pretty badly... you can clearly hear that in the beginning.

Then the kick, maybe you dialed in too much low end? it clips as well once it goes crazy on the doubles...

Guitars could be louder when it's just those single notes parts... when they come in at the end, it sounds better, but could still be a bit louder.

Plus, a bass would really finish the mix.. it's lacking that now.

But start looking at those things first.. these are just the first things that come to mind listening to that clip the first time.

As for what should be on the masterbuss... i would fix these things first! maybe some instruments like the toms and the kick are going into the red? too much low end...

Once those things are done and taken care, then worry about what should be on the master track... you could use a nice compressor to mix things out for itself... a limiter would be good and work on some of that clipping for sure... maybe some kind of exciter as well, but the rest sounds good so far, man! just have a look at those things and it will sound better for sure...
yeah, I deff. Hear the clipping.
Thanks for the advice

for the kick I'm using drumagog with it's stock drum clip. I guess I'll look for a better one. If anyone has a good one in mind, let me know!