Recording bass guitar

Mar 11, 2005
Ive been reading loads of cool opinions about recording drums and guitars on here with loads of different points of view for approaches and tones but I havent heard much about Bass recording.

How do we all do it?

Does anyone have a particular approach or method they prefer?

Ive been using a DI from the instrument and a mic on the cab for years but have started palying more and more with sansamp gear.
have you tried layering bass parts in a similar sort of way you might with guitar. Also Im really hesitant to ask this but....... Anyone have a favorite amp? (here it comes)
My usuall chain is a clean D.I, Mic'd cab (MD421 usually) and emulated output from back of amp (if available).

I prefer an Ampeg 8x10 cab or a 4x10 and 1x15 stack. With the stack I'll use the MD421 on the 4x10 and used to use a D112 on the 1x15 but have been using an Audix D6 recentely.

Edit: For the bass amp I prefer an Ampeg SVT but have had good results from a Peavey Firebass.
I just DI and compress the hell out of it, works most of the time for metal.
Lately i've been using the new bass amp emulator in Logic, sounds really good.

elmuchoescadawg: I wouldn't layer bass, it'll get very very messy...
Impy said:
elmuchoescadawg: I wouldn't layer bass, it'll get very very messy...

Thought as much, Ive done it before but not with metal bands, Gave a really nice chorus. Worked for the band I was working with at the time.
My chain is usually:
Channel 1: Bass > Sometimes Guitar PODxt or Bass SansAmp > Tube Pre
Channel 2: SM57 or MD421 on cab, clean (or with any effect the guy likes like a crunchy SansAmp).
Compress the hell out of it, roll off some highs (depending on the grip of the player), and mix with the drums only first to add the guitars then.
The PODxt in the D.I. worths a try.
LynchpiN said:
My chain is usually:
Channel 1: Bass > Sometimes Guitar PODxt or Bass SansAmp > Tube Pre
Channel 2: SM57 or MD421 on cab, clean (or with any effect the guy likes like a crunchy SansAmp).
Compress the hell out of it, roll off some highs (depending on the grip of the player), and mix with the drums only first to add the guitars then.
The PODxt in the D.I. worths a try.

Bass direct over DI to tape because of reamp possibility.
Matt Smith said:
Bass POD, smash with Distressor. Also D.I., filter off top and bottom, distort and mix in underneath if needed.
The Bass POD works fine for me, but REALLY needs a good bass to sound good.


even a D.I is enough to record my bass collection with bartollini's in a presentable fashion.
If I have a choice, I like to have active pickups into a SVT, D112 into Groove Tubes Vipre into 1176. For the D/I, I've been diggin the Avalon box.
****NEW STRINGS**** - That's the easiest way to improve your tone.... it's not always the first choice for guitar, but it's a must for bass.

As for signal chain, here's mine

Tech21 Bass Sans Amp
Great River MP2NV
I have to say the sandberg bass I have is killer, sounds great DI'd ,compressed then into amp farm. I have a trick where my old friend C4 hits it before and after amp farm, but it's mainly down to the bass, player and new strings.
Boiling old bass strings can buy you time for a session or two in a pinch. Brand new bass strings tend to be a little too clicky for my taste, but most people seem to like that.

For those of you that mic bass cabs, especially 8x10's (or anything with 10's), how do you go about mic placement? Any quick guidelines?

I have a 70's Acoustic 2x15" and a Beta 52 dead center of the cone does the trick if you like a real agressive midrangey tone.

I blend that with a SansAmp BassDI for the lows.
Look at this:
Works fine for me.

