
Mar 14, 2010
Whats up guys,

Im very new to pro tools and have a very basic system with pro tools LE 7.4.2. Running it on a new 2.5 GHz MacBook. I was just wondering if anyone has any good references to good technique on recording and setting up good metal riifs. I don't have very good monitoring speakers at the moment and have been using headphones, Its been hard trying to get a clear separation between my mix, my recording, and the metronome. Also I was wondering if anyone could give advice as to how you go about copy/pasting a guitar part to repeat it smoothly, having a hell of a time learning how to do all this without throwing off timing. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you my fellow metalheads.:rock:
Well, first off, protools is deeply homosexual and loves nothing more than to wipe out an entire recording session. Also, I wouldn't run it on a macbook, but if it runs okay then whatever. As far as copy-pasting a guitar part....just play it over and over again, it will never repeat smoothly. If you can't play it fluidly in time then you need to practice more.
Well, first off, protools is deeply homosexual and loves nothing more than to wipe out an entire recording session. Also, I wouldn't run it on a macbook, but if it runs okay then whatever. As far as copy-pasting a guitar part....just play it over and over again, it will never repeat smoothly. If you can't play it fluidly in time then you need to practice more.

Ya im noticing more and more how much pro tools loves other dude programs. What do you like to work with?