recording cabs, 4x12 vs 1x12


Sep 20, 2007
If we have the same construction, same speaker, same micpositions, would the sound of a 4x12 be lots different from a 1x12, had this discussion on another forum and i thought the 1x12 could never sound as big as the 4x12..

anybody tried this comparison ?
No, there's definitely a difference between cabs even when close-mic'ing; this doesn't mean a 1x12 can't sound good, but as I learned with my (awful) Bogner OS 2x12, the cab plays a HUGE role in the sound the mic picks up.
A speaker is only as good as what it RESONATES with.

A 1x12 will not be as bassy/boomy. You could stick it in a corner or up against a wall to increase the bass response, but eh...

Possibly the best reason to get a 4x12??? Well you get to pick the "BEST" speaker... with a 1x12 there is no choice about it.

Oh yeah, and they look cool. Dudes AND chicks dig 'em.

A 1x12 makes you look weak. And looking tough is really important!!!
nobody sees what i'm recording with anyway :p

nah, i just keep it to a couple or good ole 4 x 12 :) on mesa traditional, and soon a blackstar oversized, still have to wait till september for that, cause i want a black one, one's that are available now are burgundy only.
yes... I need more cabs, 1 cab and 4 amps is a bit of a ridiculous sight...

to answer, no, i haven't tried the Blackstar oversized 4x12 yet, have to wait till September anyway when the black versions are available, no they are only in burgundy to match the artisan head, and i want a black cab.