VADER 4X12 cabs vs mesa 4X12

Incognito Man

Jan 27, 2009
anyone have any insight on this? oversize meas 4x12 vs the vader 4x12 for thrash metal

right now i got a 1960 w/g12t's and i am looking to upgrade and i heard both of these cabs kill what i currently have.
Mesa all the way. Though I think if the Vader had V30's it might be ok. Do they make a cab with V30's stock?
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The stock speakers are terribly flat and have no presence compared to Vintage 30s. They look very cool, but personally I wouldn't waste the money, or even consider them for recording. On stage, the Vaders sound great with buzzy amps like 5150s, but I would still prefer the Mesa.
That's what I always hear, and yeah sure it sounds ok live. So do a lot of other cabs that you wouldn't even remotely consider for recording. Just sayin.
I toured with Vader cabs for years (I also had the gen1 hand built by Adam ones) , they sound AWESOME when turned up loud. I've used them on ONE project in my studio and I absolutely hated it, very "weak" in the mix even after a ton of processing and EQ. It's like, no matter what i did, they never sounded right. MESA all the way for recording.
I toured with Vader cabs for years (I also had the gen1 hand built by Adam ones) , they sound AWESOME when turned up loud. I've used them on ONE project in my studio and I absolutely hated it, very "weak" in the mix even after a ton of processing and EQ. It's like, no matter what i did, they never sounded right. MESA all the way for recording.

Yeah the stack's you used in year of desolation where pretty kick ass live! but every other band i ever heard live with vader cab's always had shitty shitty tone