recording death metal vocals with a SM58

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
does it sound muffled? I am recording my bands demo and i was wondering how an SM58 sounds for vocals. Any clips or albums i can refer too? Also how would i got about this. A pop filter in front of it on a mic stand? how far away? Sorry im such a newb =D
I dig using 58's for recording vocals.

My best vocal recordings have been ones where I've used handheld mics and really threw down as I recorded haha. Standing in front of a mic on stand with a pop filter is like, well you're focusing more on mic technique than just really pouring 110% of your emotions into your performance.

In my mixes, I've had weird times getting 57 and 58 sounds to fit in the mix, but you could always record a few lines of screams with a condenser, take the curve with curveeq and apply it to your 58 track. Could just be my voice though.

Give it a try and see how it goes man, it's definately worth it.
If you're using an SM58 because it's the only mic you've got that's vaguely appropriate then i either recommend just grabbing it and going for the emotion, or take the pop shield off the head of the mic and use a proper pop filter (or thin tights stretched over a coat hanger if you're really strapped for cash)
works just fine.....cut some of the low mid mud and add a high shelf and you're good to go.

check out the stuff on here, , everything that's up there was recorded with an sm58 for vox.
the low grunts are somewhat muffled though, that's why we tracked the new full length with a LDC (rode nt-1a)...the results were much more like "it" right out of the box.
sm58 works, though.
I dig using 58's for recording vocals.

My best vocal recordings have been ones where I've used handheld mics and really threw down as I recorded haha. Standing in front of a mic on stand with a pop filter is like, well you're focusing more on mic technique than just really pouring 110% of your emotions into your performance.

In my mixes, I've had weird times getting 57 and 58 sounds to fit in the mix, but you could always record a few lines of screams with a condenser, take the curve with curveeq and apply it to your 58 track. Could just be my voice though.

Give it a try and see how it goes man, it's definately worth it.

Your vocals are fucking gnarly too bro:kickass:
If you're using an SM58 because it's the only mic you've got that's vaguely appropriate then i either recommend just grabbing it and going for the emotion, or take the pop shield off the head of the mic and use a proper pop filter (or thin tights stretched over a coat hanger if you're really strapped for cash)

i used to try for the emotion by grab the mic, but the result is unpleasant, there're lots of pops\low frequncey thumps or other noise and the dynamic is hard to control. my experiment is totally bad
ive found that low screams can work with a 58, but high screams just don't get that clarity that you want. guess it depends what pre youre running it through as well though.
I think you would have better luck with a beta 58 or a 421. 58s just don't really have that top end clarity you find those other mics.
I read one comment here a few days ago in the question for Mr. Sneap that it says "...I think it was Dave Jerden (correct me if I'm wrong) that said he could do a whole album with 57's and I don't disagree."
So I did some test and sound good to me you should try besides I think that Unearth III was recorded with a 58... no remember exactly but you can take a look of their making of. Cheers
58's are really voice pending, they are often used for live work because they are so generic and easy to control and people know them but sometimes it can take a few different mic trials until you find the one that will do the job right for you. the SM58 really is where you want to start though because its an industry standard for vocal work just like 57's are for guitars etc