Recording in January?

This track KICKED ASS!!!

I agree that the vocals weren't quite as good as Mike or Peter's, but I think they worked for the music. The vocals are a bit more in the background and they fit pretty well that way.
I think the song's really good! Nick's not as good as Mike or Peter, but I enjoyed it all the same :)

Same here I just think it is a little sad if they didn't stick to their own high standards when it comes to the vocals. Having all out awesome growl was kind of like their thing. This fits the new style of music though so I guess this will be an enjoyable album nonetheless.
Just listened to it on amazing headphones - vocals now sound like teenage kid trying to do black metal.

Those low growls in the middle are ok dou.
Yeah I'm thinking the lower growls are Anders' backing vocals which is why they sound sweet. After listening to it a bunch of times I can say that while I don't feel the vocals are on par with Bloodbath which has always had amazing vocalists, the vocals don't really hurt the music overall. They are not mixed to be out front so they are not that distracting, and they do have a bit of a unique sound on a Bloodbath track.

If the guitarwork is all like this I think I'll still enjoy the album a lot. Actually I like how this album sounds in general, it's a bit of a throwback to RTC days but it doesn't quite take it that far. It has a modern edge.

Still, I can't even imagine how great this could have sounded with Peter, I think his voice would have fit right into this track.
If that would be the fault of compression guitar would sound shitty too.

Not necessarily. A lot of little things are lost when a track is compressed for streaming. It's surprising how those small elements being cut out changes the final sound. The guitars might not suffer as much but they should also sound considerably better on the CD. The combination of how guitar/vocals/bass/drums work together makes a considerable impact on the final sound if you're a careful listener. I guess we shall see!
Listening to it more makes it seem like this is some sort of joke and I don't know what is even going on. Maybe we will get the real vocal track later. The music gets you amped up and excited then come the vocals, and I think wtf. It could grow on me and I don't want to say this is shit yet, but this is not a good starting point.
Good choice Qth, I love Draconian, I listen to them in chunks for weeks at a time then don't for like a year. Hope their new album will be good with the new female vocalist.
Now all we need to hear is how he sounds live. I'm not sure how well he could do the older songs as he can't go as deep as Mike did back then

The old songs will sound really bad if he growls like that but then again we don't know if he can growl "for real" or not. He might just be using this style for this record or for that song. Listening to the paradise lost re-recording of "Our Saviour" from last year I'd say that he can growl, you don't get that bad at it in just a year!
Just because she's better than terrible doesnt mean she should growl, you can still tell that the voice belongs to either girl or male virgin.