Recording Kicks, Single or Double?


Oct 30, 2006
Recording Kicks, Single or Double?

What do you guys do when the drummer only uses a single pedal for double kicks while recording double kick parts?

A) Try to talk him into using double kicks. (not going to be easy)
B) Just record the single kick/s on 1 track. (editing hell to separate)
C) Screw the drummer, I have DFHS. (could work)

Just wondering what you guys would do.

Btw, drummer has very good timing and is very tight.
I just record it to one track. I can get a little messy, and be harder to edit, but it's not that bad.
If he is a good tight drummer as you say, let him rip! You can ask him if he wants to use a ghost pedal, but if he can't double bass worth a crap, then you'll just be pissing in the wind. If he sounds good on a single kick, record to single track, you can always add midi notes later if you want.
If you are just triggering, it can make editing easier, but yeah, with 2 kicks you have to tune them perfectly with each other, and get mic placement just right.