Recording my first album!


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2015
Hey guys! My name is Patrik and I come from Sweden. Before I begin I would just like to say that I don't know if I've come to the right place, and I would also like to say that if this post is in the wrong forum-category, please let me know.

So! About ten years ago I decided that I want to record an album. However economy was tough and I wasn't able to record anything. Now, ten years later, I have my own little soloproject, a one man band, if you will. This is what I'll be recording.

Now, I'm a dimwit when it comes to mixing and all the software that goes with the software. What I've done in the past is that I'll write my song in Guitar Pro 5, export the finished song to a .midi file and then import that into my DAW (currently being Mixcraft 7) and then applying my VST and for the time being the only VST I have is EZDrummer 2.:Spin::Spin:

I guess I'll ask the first question straight away. Has anyone heard of and used Prominy V-metal? It's supposed to fill the same function as EZDRummer 2, save that it's for guitars. Can anyone confirm this?

Also, is there anything else I should take into consideration when recording an album at home?

Thank you so much for your time!