Recording news... New ND CD coming!

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
NOVEMBERS DOOM are scheduled to begin recording the follow-up to 2005's "The Pale Haunt Departure" on June 16. Once again, the production team will consist of Chris Djuricic for tracking and Dan Swanö to mix the final recording. Mastering will again be handled by James Murphy.

In a statement about the upcoming studio work, the band says, "Consistency and quality are very important to us, to insure that anyone who was a fan of the previous CD, will once again be able to comfortably expect nothing less then a stellar production. Chris Djuricic, Dan Swanö and James Murphy were the perfect choice for 'The Pale Haunt Departure' and the perfect compliment to NOVEMBERS DOOM. We're honored to be working with them once again.

"Working hard on the new material, we've reached the final stage of pre-production, creating well rounded, and a natural progression of songs, which continue where 'The Pale Haunt Departure' ends. Always adding new elements to our sound, there will be a few surprises mixed in, but remaining true to the band you expect."
Great news! :)...I'm glad you've got the the Swanomiester on board again. So when approx will it be released?
Looks like release date will be in early 2007, most likely.

Yeah we're very pleased to have Dan aboard again, but let me say that it was the combined efforts of Swano, James Murphy and Chris Djuricic that made TPHD the "beast" that it is! That's why we wanted to use the same entire production team again, because it worked so well last time.

I'm still busy absorbing (*) TPHD and the older CDs, so I guess I have to accelerate that process.

(*) In the olden days I'd buy, say, an Iron Maiden album and within a week be able to identify any song snippet by title, sing along with all the lyrics, etc. Nowdays, I get so much stuff, I really can't "absorb" the CDs quickly. So even though I've listened to TPHD a lot, I don't usually do it with the inserts in front of me, so I don't learn to identify songs by title, and don't really know the lyrics. I could probably identify the title track by a 5-10 second snippet, but not a lot of the other ones. Or if I tried to remember exactly how Autumn Reflection goes, I'm not sure I can right away. I miss the days when I became intimately familiar with a CD very quickly. Anyway, I'm working on it :headbang:

2007.. excellent!..It gives me time to purchase and listen to your older albums..;)

wankerness said:
Wow, I didn't know Swano was involved in the last one. I do agree that it sounded amazing, so this is good news indeed!

If i'm correct Swano,played on the song "Dark World Burden" :) ..I don't know about those other 2 guys,Djuricic and Murphy tho?
Illnath said:
:heh: Great news!!!!!! have you come up with any names for the album?

Yes. I think I have settled on the CD title, and most of the song titles. I'm still playing with a couple of them. I don't want to give anything away until I'm 100% sure. I did that early with the last CD, and changed the title after the fact, so this time, i'm waiting a bit before I say anything.