Recording/Production Charges - What's Reasonable?

I charge an hourly rate for tracking, and per song for mixing.

This is what I do, and it works out well. Tracking is done at the studio, mixing is done at my home. I have a full time job, so the recording stuff takes place when I can fit it in my day, so I don't feel comfortable telling bands they have to pay by the hour without tangible proof I am truly working the hours I say (I tend to actually work more, lol).

10 hour block in studio is $300. That's includes the studios rate and my own. Mixing is flat rate per song, with the rate reduced the more songs I mix.

so, an arbitrary example:

20 hours recording = 600
5 songs mixed @ 80/song = 400

so roughly 1K for the whole project. I have guidelines for mix revisions as well, to avoid he band abusing me with constant tweaks. This has worked well for me so far.
Charge by the hour, for everything, period. Bands are notoriously dicks about money. If you charge per hour for tracking but mix for free, expect to do about 500 mix revisions and still have a hard time getting the band to pay up because they are pissed that their $250 six song EP doesn't sound like it was mixed by CLA in a $500k studio.

Truer words have never been spoken.
I'll usually make the band sign a a sort of 'letter of engagement'. I state my terms on there as I do my final invoice. My rate at the moment is usually £90 + VAT a day. People have said 'oh blah blah being VAT registered is stupid because you have to charge VAT on top' but I totally disagree. Not only have I claimed the VAT back on all the gear I've bought, I feel it also gives my business extra credibility and a more professional image.

I charged £90 + VAT for this back in July/August Luck mp3.mp3 and the band were very happy with the final product, which is what matters at the end of the day. I work really hard when I'm recording and I feel my rates are reasonable considering I'm usually working for at least 2 or 3 hours after the band leave. I'm working a fair bit up to February so I guess I'm doing something right.

I'll also knock off a half day from longer projects if the band decide to go to a mastering house. I don't have a clue about mastering (and don't claim to) and I think its good to get another pair of ears in anyway.

Just my 2 pence/cents :)