Recording/Releasing Cover Songs


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I know this has been touched on here a little bit, but it always seems that the answers for such questions result in the boat being pointed out to sea and saying "good luck". I'd like to know, for realistic and thorough purposes, how to get permission from *the-powers-that-be* to release covers on disc/for download. Including outlets for paying proper royalties, etc. So I happened upon this: (search for "How To Leagally Sell Downloads Of Cover Songs").

There is a lot of insight on this page, apparently it was a thorough guide to do such a thing that put out but has since removed from thier site because I couldn't find it.

There is a lot of grey haze in it though. From what I've read and understood, it is only really talking about songs written/recorded/liscensed by American artists. What if I want to record a cover of an At The Gates song, etc?

I'm just looking for a decent rundown of where to go, what to do, and hopefully get some answers from some folks here who have gone through the motions in the past who can clarify stuff that is either definite or unneccessary.

I'm actually interested in doing several covers, but want to make sure that (you put your own level of priority on such) my ass is covered and credit/payment is given where it's due.
