Recording starts in 5 days....and counting


New Metal Member
Jun 24, 2002
Hello Everyone.
On monday we will start the recording of our fourth album and I just wanted to check with you guys and gals what you anticipate of the new album? If your "EG dreamalbum" would come true, what would it be like??? I´m just curious :)

We will have weekly reports with photos and videoclips from the studio so be sure to visit the page often.

Stay Grey......Mike
Of the top of my head, how about the heaviness of Mark of the Triangle, the emotion Tom always seems to have in his voice and a twist of nu-metal??? lol j/k about the last thing, of course... I'll come up with some more stuff later. Oh yah, once I get my Evergrey Wacken pics developed, I'll let you guys know. I just don't have the money right now. I have about 37 rolls of film to develop! Anyone want to start a film-developing fund for me? lol CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Mike(evergrey)
Hello Everyone.
On monday we will start the recording of our fourth album and I just wanted to check with you guys and gals what you anticipate of the new album? If your "EG dreamalbum" would come true, what would it be like??? I´m just curious :)

We will have weekly reports with photos and videoclips from the studio so be sure to visit the page often.

Stay Grey......Mike

I'm hoping it's longer (like 55 minutes)... features some awesome, up-front bass parts, and features some more Carina.
I'm hoping to experience darkness and beauty put together in an amazing way, as I have with the earlier works of Evergrey. :)

So, heavy riffs, haunting melodies, and a lot of emotion.

So far I've thought that 'In Search of Truth' is my "EG dreamalbum" so...;)
More songs like Solitude Within! I don't say you should write that song again, I just want more that same energy and maybe a little bit of aggression... :)
Hmm, that's hard to say. I'd love to have a longer album but other than that I can't say. You have always managed to create great music in the past so I have no doubts that the new one will be great as well. Being a sucker for piano and such I'm also hoping for another song or two in the veins of For Every Tear That Falls, Words Mean Nothing, State Of Paralysis and Different Worlds in order to balance up the rest of the songs :)
Oh! I'm also hoping that it will be released simultaneoulsy in all parts of the world so I will be able to show my japanese friends what real music is supposed to sound like. Good luck in the studio and have fun!
Love your cds (don't get me wrong) but I was kinda disappointed you used backing tracks for your live performance, so I guess my comments would be:

Stuff you don't have to rely using backing tapes for - I love live raw stuff!

Or a live CD!:lol:

And thanks for using some of your rec time at Wacken chatting with me:headbang:
I think "In Search Of Thruth" is the perfect album, stay grey and keep up the good work, then the next album will be as perfect as the last one:headbang:
I wish you guys the best. I know this next cd is going to kick some serious ass!!!!Can't wait to hear it. FastBeer Coming your way at PPUSA Mike!!!!!! Hawwww Hawwwwwww Hawwww!!!

Hey Nico.
How are you my friend.
It´s been a while now, I have a pretty hectic schedule right now. How´s Marlies???
Yes I REALLY like the avatar, I think it was some dutch guy who snapped it...... he´s a really great photographer :). You have problably heard of him. I see him occasionaly on our shows, he´s always up front and :headbang: when we play Solitude within.

Take care my friend....

Tell us Mike, what's going on in the studio by now? Are you guys making progress??? Again track by track recording or this time a different approach? How many songs will you be working on, and will they all be on the record, or do you want to save some special stuff for special releases? Please tell us *can't wait to hear the first songs...........*
I won´t tell you anything!!!!!!! :)
Well, there will actually come a small diary during the weekend so I ask you to be patient.
I promise you all your question will be answered there.
Take care my friend....
I dont think longer is better.......In Search of Truth ends when it should, it gets the story across and there arent these parts of unnecessary guitar feedback at the end of a great song that totally kill it someone better know what im talking about....

Anyways, I like the dark direction, and want something like that again, maybe not a concept album, but definately dark and brutal..

:mad: EVERGREY:mad: