Recording starts in 5 days....and counting

As long as you keep the music/lyrics dark with Tom's emotional vocals, great keys and drummer and of course melodic/heavy guitar solos, I think the new Evergrey will rule.

In Search of Truth is possibly the best CD from the last 3-4 years. I love it that much! :)
Hi all ....
well we could easily do the songs live without the backing tapes but the thing is that choirs , which is what we have on tape together with sampled of voices such as in Mark of the triangle ... is a big part of our music and therefor we choose to present the songs as they are played on the cd ....
because that is how the song is destined to sound like and that is what we want to hear and also what most people like to hear , surely we dont need the backing tracks to keep other people happy but we do it fo rourselves first and foremost so that's why : )

it's all about the music to me not about about technicalities like
-oh man they just had that choir on tape- I wish they had rented in the choir from the album instead ....sorry but its not possible to be travelling with 30 persons in a 9 person van...and not to mention the costs for us to do so ... we would be forced to take personal loans up to our ears..... so again that's another why...

Just my 2 cents...

Keep up the darkside
' tom
Originally posted by Nosferatu6
Hi all ....
well we could easily do the songs live without the backing tapes but ... instead ....sorry but its not possible to be travelling with 30 persons in a 9 person van...and not to mention the costs for us to do so ... we would be forced to take personal loans up to our ears..... so again that's another why....

Don't get me wrong...I don't expect the choirs live and I love the cds and Evergrey had an awesome energy on stage at Wacken.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't expect any band to sound the same live as on cd. If a band did a different arrangement of a song I'd feel seeing the band live was even more worthwhile because I got to hear something different/special.

But then i understand there are 2 types of fans:
:rolleyes: the type that likes the band for the cds and whinges and bitches ifaa band does not reproduce live exactly what is on the cd; and

:rock:the type that appreciates the band for it's performing talent as well as studio talent and who realises that it's not always possible to represent a cd accurately live without the use of technology
Originally posted by Nosferatu6
Hi all ....
well we could easily do the songs live without the backing tapes but the thing is that choirs , which is what we have on tape together with sampled of voices such as in Mark of the triangle ... is a big part of our music and therefor we choose to present the songs as they are played on the cd ....
because that is how the song is destined to sound like and that is what we want to hear and also what most people like to hear , surely we dont need the backing tracks to keep other people happy but we do it fo rourselves first and foremost so that's why : )

it's all about the music to me not about about technicalities like
-oh man they just had that choir on tape- I wish they had rented in the choir from the album instead ....sorry but its not possible to be travelling with 30 persons in a 9 person van...and not to mention the costs for us to do so ... we would be forced to take personal loans up to our ears..... so again that's another why...

Just my 2 cents...

Keep up the darkside
' tom

I just wish I could see you guys live! Tour USA!

And I love the choirs in the music.
It's hell of a job to make even better album than In Search of Truth. Hopefully the band will be as heavy and dark also in the future. The new album's lenght should be about 150 mins:heh:
There are 2 thiongs I have to add to this discussion, Mike.

First, I think the production could use a *little* bit more clarity; the bass and high end didn't seem to cut through enough on the last one.

I know that bands like Evergrey aren't supposed to be super polished like Stratovarius or something, and that the sound is supposed to have a cloudy feel all the way through. That ios part of the reason why Evergrey rules. But just a little bit more clarity, you know?

Along this same line, there is a line in "Rulers of the Mind" (awesome, kickass song BTW), I think it's in the section right before the 1st chorus, where the guitar line drags the beat a bit, and it sounds noticeable.

I think that was likely missed or that it was decided not to correct it for whatever reason, but I think Evergrey can be in the very top level of all bands in the world ... but certain things that just don't sound right seem to have me telling people things like "Okay, this is a really good CD, but I have to warn you to give it a good chance, because..."

You know? I'm not sure what you were looking for when you asked what we would hope to hear. I'm not trying to sound negative at all. I feel that Evergrey is a great band, with an incredible potential to be an insanely awesome band.

The second thing is that I noticed in several of your other tracks that the music, and the song, all kicked ass, but that they didn't seem to end in a ... I guess "fulfilling" kind of way as much as I saw the potential for.

Example: Mark of the Triangle

This song kicks ass all the way through, and that keyboard bit just rules. But at the end, it just seemed like it faded out much too quickly, and that just a little addition to the end would have made it sound "like it was done" I guess is the best way I can think to put it. The way it is just sounds like it isn't quite done when it's ending.

There are others that do that, too, but I think MotT is the best example I can think of. I guess the main point is, don't be afraid to let the songs carry on a bit more; it won't sound redundant. Same goes I guess for the albums, man. If your nest CD is 75 minutes long and goes on the journey that I'm sure it is capable of, we will NOT be disappointed :)

Of course, from that same album, Rulers of the Mind and Watching the Skies , and noteable others end beautifully.

Keep on kicking ass, and I look forward to hearing your next masterpice :)

I might as well throw in an extra comment.

Those symphonics and "spookier" sounds with the keyboards really kick ass. I would hope to hear more of these elements in the music of the new album (though not at the expense of the guitars and such, of course).

Also, I guess I'll add that I really like the choir stuff that's added into some songs. Personally, I prefer they way it sounds without the low pitched men in there, but it's good anyway.

Alright, I think that's about it. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to talk to you this way; it says a lot about you guys and who you are.

Once again, rock on.

Don't worry Cyaron, it's just a pun we like to use. It's nothing personal :)

Btw.....the pics from the studio report get scarier with each week. Someone noticed what happened to Mike's eye? :guh: Doesn't look very funny...