Recording starts in 5 days....and counting

Although I haven't heard your music (I do have an album on order, and I can't wait untill it arrives), I have heard some fantastic things about your music, so all that I ask is that on the next album, is that you keep up the good work :)

Oh yeah, come and tour Australia ;)
Originally posted by YouFoolWarrenIsDEAD
Although I haven't heard your music (I do have an album on order, and I can't wait untill it arrives), I have heard some fantastic things about your music, so all that I ask is that on the next album, is that you keep up the good work :)

Oh yeah, come and tour Australia ;)

Hope you enjoy Evergrey!
Well now I can say that I've heard a couple tracks off the coming album and it's incredible. Definitely sounded heavier than anything I've heard from Evergrey so far. Lots of dark aggression. Seems as if you guys are about ready to hit it BIG with this new one...but do we HAVE to wait until March 2003? :grin:
New to the boards so...Howdy guys =) sorry if i don't follow a certain "manner" when posting

I'd just like to say to Evergrey: Stay the way you are....You've captured a special feeling in your music (at least for me) and i love it

In search of Truth was just awesome, actually it was the first time i heard Evergrey.....went in to a store, saw the cd and thought what the hell, let's try it. and WOW! (i just love when that happens)
After that i saw you at Sweden Rock Festiavl 2002....all i have to say is you (and Rage) ruined my festival =p

When you had played i was in heaven, nothing could beat that. Tack så jävla mycket!!! sorry =p

So if my opinion counts, stick with the "evergrey-sound" from your last album ( do we use that term these days? =)

oh, and please come to Sweden Rock festival this year as well, but stick to the same stage you did last year...hmm, this gives (swenglish i think) so much more to the audience . (i know you probably don't decide these things, but still... =)
