Recording Studio Complex?

Parka Dez

Jun 30, 2009
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone else is in the same position as me. I need to find a recording studio complex where you can rent our a room, ideally with a vocal booth for short term lets (one-three months). Im searching on google, but being hard pressed to actually find any. Im not sure what I should be searching for.

One place I have found which fits the bill is this place. However, they are fully booked. If anyone in London knows of any places like this, please let me know!

I'm hard pressed to imagine how such a business would function as a viable business model, but then I look at your link and see a bunch of barely-treated offices filled with a hodgepodge collection of random junk. Hardly an inspirational place to work...
Well, the renter provides the "junk." I've got friends in LA who rent in complexes and it works fairly well for them. I think the issue is that you have to be in a market that can support such a complex.
theres a place over by tower bridge thats like this; much nicer though; its where imogen heap and idzzy rascal have their studios. its name escapes me though...
ill have a look...