recording very low tunings


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
Dude! The tone sounds awesome! Why do more?! Just check tuning every second you get and your flying!

May I ask what your chain was.. I'm very interested. What tuning? Guitar? PU's, DI? Preamp? Plugins? Is that the ENGL in PodFarm or a blend?

Well done!
thanks fretfingers.

as for the processing, it's a pretty agressive hi-pass, followed by 2 instances of screamer (doing different things) which is then into pod farm.

the reason being, it's pretty muddy and horrible without those things!

some more info:

guitar is a standard scale 6 string, with a 48 on the low string (i have some 62's for the band.. 48's needed tuning for almost every note..) using the bridge pick up which is an EMG81.

chain is: eq -> podfarm (ts) -> podfarm (ts,cali diamond plate) -> eq -> eq -> eq .. haha.

not bad, bit scratchy for my taste.
bass is just blobing guess my speakers do not go low enough for this :lol:
I'd be interested to hear how the PodFarm ENGL model would clean up some of the lows. I really like using it on tow tuning as it seems to clean up bottom a bit similar to a ts but neater. I would try a blend with your current sound. Multiband compression might be helpful on the top end a bit.. just to reduce a bit of the harsh. Not much though.. it's pretty darn good.
I like the new tone a lot better than the first one, initially I was going to suggest the acacia strain as a sample to listen to, but I thought the meshuggah scooped sound was what you were going for
For low tunings is where I think the NRR1 rules, maybe you should try it. But yeah, like Scott said, get a good quality di and do your processing post POD.
The Big Bottom also sounds good, boost the mids and turn down the lows a little and it'll sound cool.

I recorded a band that plays in F# and I used the NRR1 with POD Farm's screamer and sounds pretty good! Intro.mp3
charlez, very impressive, i'm liking that a lot!

unfortunately i'm an OS X user, so NRR1 is a no go for me!

i'm yet to try all the combinations yet.. we'll see how it goes. i'll post updates.

Hi, sounds nice dani and Charles! I'm on OSX too;
I've been HPF my guitars at 85, seems to help keep them from fightin' with the kick and bass :lol:
We're tuned to Db with the 7th string dropped to Gb