Recording with EMGs


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2006
Hello all this is my first post here..I have visited these forums for awhile just reading but I figure I mine as well register.

I was wondering if EMG (actives) are good for recording with tube amps.. I was recording a band that had EMGs which we ran though through my tube screamer and a 5150 (Gain set at 4) and the guitars sounded very distant and noisy so we ended up going back and recording with passive pick ups. I was wondering if passive pick ups are prefered for recording or not or if it just depends.
He said the battery had only been in for a few months... but I was just wondering cus I perosnally love the tone I get from my EMGs but for some reason his sounded off..but just making sure thanks!
"the guitarist forgets to unplug the cord"

a common problem with active pickups and short-battery-life.

i record with EMGs, you just have to be mindful of the difference in levels compared with your passive setup, doesn't take long to adjust.
i put some fresh batts in before every recording.
a few month might be way too long, especially when there are more pups in the axe and (what often is the case) the guitarist forgets to unplug the cord evrytime he doesn't use the guitar
