Recording woes


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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I am actually trying to record again..can you believe it?
..but am having problems. Everytime I record...the timing on the recording gets thrown off. upon starts in time..and then slowly starts to drift off time..whats worse is I can record multiple tracks...and they even start to drift off from each other..making a giant mess at the end.

Any idea? I don't remember having problems with my setup before...I guess I have not touched it in so hates me now and is acting up! :waah:
Are you still using N-track for recording? Have you tried to mess with the buffer settings to see if it's of any help? That's the only think that comes to my mind right now. And I can't really give any further advise as I don't have experienced such problems myself... :B
rabies said:

I am actually trying to record again..can you believe it?
..but am having problems. Everytime I record...the timing on the recording gets thrown off. upon starts in time..and then slowly starts to drift off time..whats worse is I can record multiple tracks...and they even start to drift off from each other..making a giant mess at the end.

Any idea? I don't remember having problems with my setup before...I guess I have not touched it in so hates me now and is acting up! !:waah:

Oh, man. Remember all the timing problems I had?

Ok, here are a couple of suggestions.

1. Check if you have any programs running while you are recording. Shut them down, especially network/internet activity.
2. Make sure another program isn't hogging up your ram causing the computer to swap to the hard drive a lot.

3. Defrag your hard drive. The OS might be jumping around to different places on the hard drive because there isn't enough contiguous space to put your file. Sometimes the movement causes a brief interruption in the data which can cause timing errors.

4. Check your video settings...reduce the number of colors to the minimum amount allowable by your recording program to function and see if that helps.

5. Regret immensely installing that upgrade, new program, or driver that screwed up your recording setup.

6. Blame Bill Gates...Then Bill Clinton...Then Bush...Then Barney... because he's purple and we know that dinosaurs were never purple.

7. It's all an illusion, the Iraqi minister of information knows that you are being mislead by your computer and everything is really peachy.

8. Forgive me for making bad jokes. :-)