Recreation Day Concept - Please Help me.


New Metal Member
Aug 17, 2004
I don't really understand this concept..:ill: Can you Help me? :cry:

Thx folks..

greez chris
I don't think Recreation Day has a storyline like In Search Of Truth or The Inner Circle. I think most of the songs are about death (the moments before death, at death's moment and the days after), regret and child abuse.
yeah, i didn't really meant about the concept..i made you missunderstand me, sorry!
thought more about the ideas of the you said..!

Thx people
nomad0 said:
I don't really understand this concept..:ill: Can you Help me? :cry:

Thx folks..

greez chris

The band meant "re-creation day" but made an English langauge mistake. The song is about reinventing yourself, etc. Evergrey makes great music, but their command of the English language sometimes leads to strange and humorous places... :)

Clevername27 said:
The band meant "re-creation day" but made an English langauge mistake. The song is about reinventing yourself, etc. Evergrey makes great music, but their command of the English language sometimes leads to strange and humorous places... :)

hmmm...that makes more sense now. I always thought that "Recreation Day" was a rather odd title, even when taken in a metaphorical sense.
it was either in an interview or a post by Tom, before or around the time recreation day was released. But he was talking about how a recreation day is like a day off, or a time to recouperate after a trying time or a tragedy. As in the song Recreation Day, "...My every morning is in every way
The beginning of a recreation day." I think he's saying that everyday he wakes up he's trying to get over yesterday... or something like that. So that's what i remember when talking about the name of the album.
Hi guys

The word I meant when writing the lyrics for it was and is still RECREATION
what I wanted to achieve with this word was that when you have lost someone close to you , a family member , friend , whoever you need some time to recover as if you were going on a recreational trip .However this not meaning that it would be a nice journey as it would be normally, rather a time for yourself, by yourself and that time is needed every morning in order to be able to keep on going .

I did NOT mean , when I wrote the lyrics , re-create even though that word also fits fine with some of the interpretations of the lyrics.

this is the explanation of the word from an English dictionary

\Rec"re*a"tion\ (-?"sh?n), n. [F. r['e]cr['e]ation, L. recreatio.]

The act of recreating, or the state of being recreated; refreshment of the strength and spirits .

Hope all of you understand.
One of the fun things about the English language is the definition given in a dictionary isn't always representative of its current/colloquial usage. We tend to think of "recreation" as a physical activity done for fun. Sports, boating, playing pool, stuff like that. You're using it in more of a philosophical/spiritual sense.

Not wrong, but it throws people off. :)
I find that Swedes speak much better English than this bastardized American version of it! LOL! (...and oddly enough, so many of them apologize for their command of the language to me!)