recto cab tips


Aug 2, 2007
I just got a recto oversize cab and would appreciate any tips on how to get the best sound from it.
I will be using it with 6505, triple recto etc.
I immediately noticed it has a much tighter low end than my other cabs and am really looking forward to tracking with it.
I am specifically interested in what volume you recto cab owners out there record at, whether you mic top or bottom speakers, how far away you put the mic and where you point it.
I know it's all about experimenting but I need to track with it tomorrow and won't have much time before I have to hit record as I'm sure the band won't want me moving mics around for 2 hours on their studio time.
I'd just stick with the general cab micing concepts you already know of man. Maybe just be a little more aware of how much low end you're running and make sure things aren't getting too boomy?

Just try with one of the bottom speakers with an sm57 on the dust-cap up pretty close, or move it back a few centimetres to let the tone breathe a little bit more, or even try the fredman micing technique.

A lot of how you mic will depend on the style the band is and the sound they're after.
Don't underestimate pulling the mic back... I can't stand when I mic my amps on the grill. I have never gotten a good response that way.

Big +1, I'm thinking that's the secret to the incredible smoothness yet presence of Ryan's tones, around 1" back from the grill - I'm kinda bummed I didn't give it a try while I still had my 2 ch. Dual :( (I honestly don't think it would have made me any more inclined to keep it, but it would have been interesting to experiment with)
When you have some free time, sit on the floor while someone plays through the amp (at a low volume) and listen to each speaker - get your ear down around where the mic will be. This'll give you a good idea of which speakers sound best in your particular cab. In my cab, the top two sound best - the top left has more presence and midrange and the top right is more "scooped" and beefy.

Also, make sure not to do this right before a session, and don't turn the amp up too much, or you can fry your ears for the rest of the day.

And a big +1 on watching the low end - the Recto oversized cabs can get muddy really quickly.
Guitar DIs are already down so it will be a reamping session today.
11 songs with 4 guitar tracks per song.
I will try to post clips later.
I will get in front of the amp with my shure e3 buds and sweep the mic to find the spot.
Working now and tracking the guitars.
Broke the cab in overnight playing a looping 60h-3k square wave sweep.
Bottom right speaker is best about an inch back at 1 o'clock just past the dust cap.
Sounds WAY better than my other cabs (Marshall, orange, engl).
Ended up with seemingly unusual setting on the recto head
bass 11 o'clock
mid 1 o'clock
treb 11 o'clock
gain 2 o'clock
pres 1 o'clock
master 10 o'clock
Triple rec channel 3 modern silicone bold
I will try to get impulses later if I have time.
Dude, it really is the greatest cab in existence for recording, and that tone sounds fantastic! I do feel the bass guitar is a bit too boomy in this clip, though, and I hope the guitars aren't at all a part of that (I doubt it, but a bit hard to tell). I wouldn't mind a bit more bit, more edge to the guitars, maybe going to modern red on the TR and upping the presence to like 10-10:30 :D Overall badass! However, the way he's singing those repeated "DOWN, DOWN" bits is getting a bit annoying :erk:
The only tip I can give you from experience with my recto cab is not to hurt yourself when you erotically massage it with your genitals.
Thanks guys:)
Really happy with the tone.
The triamp really cut through the rectos without sounding too different.
I tried a 6505 for the middle guitar but it sounded odd and didn't really sit well.
The presence was really high on the recto. See settings above.
The triamp was channel 3B with all settings at 12 o'clock.
It is a really great head but doesn't seem to get mentioned at all around here.
It excels at any sound from rich sparkling clean through Marshall crunch to recto style high gain. If I could only keep one head to cover everything it would certainly be the Triamp II.
The bass may be a bit boomy alright. The day was 8 hours reamping 11 songs then 1 hour getting a mix of the first song for the band to take away to listen to.
Yeah, but I suggested trying the red channel, which has a much more aggressive presence knob (so 10:00-11:00 is starting to get that awesome edge)
To Metaltastic
I think it was the red channel. whichever channel is the most to the left of the 3. Never noticed the different colours TBH. The head is sitting on the floor at ground level with 6505, Triamp and DSL100 on top of it. Tried channel 2 and it was a bit boomy so it was the high presence channel with the presence set at 1 o'clock and the treble pulled back to 11 o'clock.

To J.DavisNJ
I ended up not using the 6505 on this. The midrange didn't sit into the mix very well.
The middle guitar which comes in at the start of the track playing the octave line is the Triamp. This is the middle guitar for the whole song with triple rec left/right
If I can answer for him, I'm quite sure he doesn't have any atm.

Indeed, Phil is correct - sold my 2 ch. Dual late this past summer, intended to use the money to put towards a Roadster, ended up having tons of car issues pop up, and haven't been able to amass enough money since :( It's really not so bad though, if anything it helps me focus on my writing, which I always want to be my main priority :) And ITB tones are more than adequate for those purposes!