Tips for using a triple recto...


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Tracking guitars next week, band has a triple recto. Older peavey cab with shefields. I don't even have a v30 loaded up available at the moment and I don't want to bring my legacy or 1960a.

I've got a ts9 and sd1, their main guitar is a he'll raiser with an 85/81 combo.

Any tips for a tight sound? I've never even touched the knobs so i have no clue.
A few tips: (well they helped me at least...)

For tightness, I use an SD-1 in front of my recto with the gain at 0 and volume all the way up. Tone somewhere in the middle. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Use the treble almost as a secondary gain stage. I usually find the gain's sweet spot, and then add a little extra bite by turning up the treble a tad.

My mids don't go below 10:00. Otherwise my notes start getting lost in the mix.

The key to tightness is taming the bass. And the recto is a bass MONSTER. Mine usually sits around 10:00, but then again I use passive pickups. So you may need to back off a little more if you're using EMGs.

Use your ears.
some more tipps:
- try also the "vintage-mode", not only the modern! especially for lead-tones
- play around with the tube/diode-rectifier and spongy/bold-switch. diode/bold for tighter low-end
- presence on ch2 / ch3 works slighty different (ch3 presece is better adjustable for modern, ch2 better adjustable for vintage)
- ch2 / ch3 are slightly different voiced (mid-wise), try both channels with equal settings and see witch one better works in the mix. (adjust presecne by ear, not by knob-setting!!)
- use a tight cabinet, especially in modern mode.
- if more tightness is nessecary, use a ts/sd/whatever in front.
- use lower gain-setting and use a ts/sd/... in front as a level-booster to get the nesseary gain (needs some tweaking)
- disable the fx-loop/master with the rotary-switch (little less compressed)
- spend some time with this amp before tracking!

regards, k.h.e.

edit: - try some extreme an unusual tonestack-settings! (they can sound really good, but looks very unusual)
Like they said, on modern mode really watch the treble/presence knobs. They shouldn't be super high especially the presence.

Try vintage mode also, You will have to turn the treble up much higher to compensate on this mode.

Keep stuff around 12' or 1'.

Oh also, keep the "master channel" volume knob real low like 9-10 o'clock or else it will get real fizzy and distorted in a bad way. Use the master volume "Output" knob for the overall volume.

This is just from my experiences owning a single recto. I know the circuits are different but I'm sure they have very similar characteristics in knobs