Red Hot Chilli Peppers

a rofl nazi said:
he plays all the guitars but the solos are split btween him and omar

shit really? I thought Omar would be doing most of the guitarwork and Fruciante would be just doing a couple of cameo's... surely TMV coulda find a better player than him, not that Im complaining though, Amputechture kicks ass...
omar wanted to hear the guitar parts objectively so he had fruichiante play them

omar still of course wrote all the riffs
Audun_Of_Bodom said:
I dont really care I just dont like when people bash bands just because they dont like it
in that case, you might want to hit that X in the top right corner of your screen and not plan on coming back anytime soon
Benighted1 said:
ha interesting! Fruciante must be a big fan of theirs to do that for them. Props to him for that....
he's contributed to every TMV studio record... Flea has contributed a lot as well to everything minus Amputechture, including playing all bass parts on Deloused
Benighted1 said:
I wonder if he will tour with them at all *doubts it*
well... he is touring with them... right now... RHCP + TMV have been on the road together for I guess a couple months already
House of Seance said:
he's contributed to every TMV studio record... Flea has contributed a lot as well to everything minus Amputechture, including playing all bass parts on Deloused

well... he is touring with them... right now... RHCP + TMV have been on the road together for I guess a couple months already

but does Fruciante perform on stage with TMV? Im only asking because TMV are comming to NZ in December and the Chilli's as far as I know, are not
Cedric was ill for their show in Toronto - Frusciante joined them for a fully instrumental set that night... but as far as playing with them regularly for even a song a night or something just as a fun guest thing to do, I have no idea

and in your case, I'm sure RHCP will be still touring on their own so Frusciante of course won't be around with TMV when they come to your area
Personally, I like them. Has every album sounded the same? Perhaps. The music's still aright.
They have some nice moments but for the love of god, don't they have ears? I have so much trouble knowing one RHCP song from another it's scary. The last 4 albums have been extremely similar and yet people still applaud them.
Brooks said:
You are all forgeting one thing.


Oh yes I forgot - this album STILL doesn't touch what Mike Patton could write in his sleep.
blood sugar sex magik and californication...two rock essential albums. apart from these there are some gems here and there but thats pretty much it really.

this band needs to gather up courage and try some experimentation...both in production and in songwriting. but i highly doubt they ever will.
Audun_Of_Bodom said:
RHCP suck total ass and I want to beat anyone that says there good on this forum then go to the LOG post and say LOG suck
congratulations on being a closedminded angsty metalhead. long live the stereotype!

that said, RHCP rocks.
No-one mentions Mothers Milk which had some good stuff on it. BSSM did too. Californication was totally hit and miss, anything after that was just dreadful. Their early stuff goes waaaaaaay over my head.

I got totally sick and fucking tired of hearing them played in every beach, bar, hostel i went to in Australia in 2002. I heard nothing but RHCP everywhere and when By The Way came out, my hatred had taken its purest form.

Give it Away makes my fucking fists itch these days. Kleidis' voice gets on my fucking nerves.

However, i went to a party last year and someone put Mothers Milk on and i remember actually quite enjoying it....