Red shirts for 2014?


Sep 18, 2012
Just a thought and maybe other no one will back me on this but it would be cool and different to have red PPUSA shirts for 2014 to go along with this dragon motif.
I think it'd be pretty sweet as long as it's not a bright red. The forum scheme is pretty dark (and taking some getting used to for me), which I think would work out pretty well.
This reminds me of Angrafan's red Dave Matthews shirt he wore at PP V and VI. I still laugh at some of the reactions he got... :lol:
I would definitely buy a red shirt. I have way too many black band shirts, so I actively seek out ones of different color and will pick them over a black one any day.
Trying to get us all killed, huh? ;)
I'm all for a dark red shirt... I think it would look great with the flame imagery, and offset with gold / bronze text or designs. Also, it would maintain the trend from the last few years of a non-black shirt every other year (dark blue for ProgPower XI, dark green for Progpower XIII).
Yeah as far as the forum color goes I can take it or leave it.

As far as the festival shirt, however, we all have way too many black band shirts. I have a few non-black band/festival shirts and they are truly precious to me. The green shirt from last year was pretty neat, and hopefully we get a red one in 2014
Please make it WOLFPACK red!


It really does look awesome as a shirt color, plus as others have said, we have too many black shirts.

I am not sure but I'm thinking a shirt the color of the current forums would be closer to mauve/a relative of pinkurple. Yeesh.