Red spots!


Apr 20, 2001
Damn sth strange is going on with me!

The day had started with terrible headaches that made my mood terrible.
So I didnt attend all the lesons at uni...

I was sleeping almost all the aftenoon and when I get up I saw on me some red spots! hmm no! It seemed like my vains had moved to the top of my skin and I seemed red!:o

But I'm not gonna go to doctor anyway!
FUCK! What this can be?:confused:

If only I could got rid of the headaches... :(
Propably measles, yep. Incase you haven´t had it when you were a kid.
Doesnt sound like fun, whatever it is
Parane pian! (get well soon)
Thanks guys for support...

It cant be measles. I'd never passed that illness before and i know if I pass it at that age it would be really terible. Same with most ilnesses... I was rarely getting ill as child...

But this must be a form of an other illness I had as a child I think in greek it is called "erythra" (because it makes you looking red)

I dunno, I have fever but not much, I can move at home!
I'd started beeing afraid of a kind of fastening the rythmes of heart beating but ok i'd overcome that...

Nope it mustnd be a spring allergy clipsy anyway! Probably too much stress...

And as you've suggested this must be the therapy! to lay with one of my vollunteers here at these days! :p