Red Wire impules: speaker impedance curves


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
So, someone in a thread mentioned that the guys from Red Wire impulses created this "speaker impedance curves" (no idea what tha means) and that one should put them before the cab sim impulses to make tube amps sims sound better or more like real tube amps. As you can tell, I know shit about this. This is Red Wire's statement:

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif]This update includes impulse reponses of multiple speakers' impedance curves. These can be used to reproduce the effect that a tube amp can have on the frequency response of the speaker. Compared to solid-state power amps, tube amps have a high output impedance. As a result the connected speaker's frequency response will change, causing it to look more like it's impendance curve than when driven by a solid-state power amp. You may appreciate the more scooped tone, the added thump and sparkle.

The IR labeled "100perc" is the impedance curve as it was measured. Files with 90perc, 80perc, etc. represent "toned down" versions of the impedance curve for less of an effect, where 90perc is 90% "wet", 80perc is 80% wet, etc. 50% wet is equivalent to the real world effect we saw with many of the tube amps we tested. Speakers included: Celestion G12M25, G12T75, Vintage 30, Alnico Blue (more coming soon)

So, I gave it a go and I can tell it does sound different and nicer to my ears, but I don't know if I am doing this correctly. I tried it using Lecab. I'm sure someone can explain this better

edit: this is where I found out about this, it was Wild Hades from ignite Amps:
The second clip just sounds like a scooped version of the first. Did you put the curve in a separate instance of lecab/boogex/kefir/whatever before the speaker impulse?

Yep, followed the instructions exactly. Had a separate lecab with the imped impulse before the lecab with the ENGL impulse.
Well I was doing it the other way round, I was going TS > amp sim > cab sim > curve and the guys from the site told me I am supposed to go amp sim > cab sim > curve > TS

This where the results doing it wrong. Songs where made by exzem and goddamn guitar: - Misc Shit/tone/goddamn guitar WITH.mp3 - Misc Shit/tone/goddamn guitar WITHOUT.mp3 - Misc Shit/tone/pinky WITH.mp3 - Misc Shit/tone/pinky WITHOUT.mp3

If I do it the way they told me it totally kills the tone, it sounds, in fact, more boxy
Amp-sim --> Impedance Curve IR --> Cabinet IR


Amp-sim --> Cabinet IR --> Impedance Curve IR

is not going to make any difference, as convolution is linear.
Modern mode of LeCto uses that kind of curve. That's why I have mentionned to use the resonnace knob to attenuate the low end peak if you use a cabinet IR catured with a tube power amp section. Otherwise you are gonna end up with something like :
Amp-sim -> Impendance Curve IR - > Impendance Curve IR - > Cabinet IR
Like Wild Hades said, you can put the Curve before or after the Cab. It adds a bump in the lows at the speaker's resonance point, scoops out the mids and then adds presence and a lot of air. A tube amp will do this because, compared to a SS amp, it has a relatively high output impedance which effects the speaker's frequency response and starts "bending" it to look more like it's impedance curve.

We offer 6 curves, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100% wet. 50-60% wet are close to what a tube amp will actually do to the speaker's response. 70-80% is pushing it. 90-100% is extreme but can be really fun to play with.

We did 4 different speakers to start, but we'll eventually do them all. The 4 we did: Celestion G12M25, G12T75, Vintage 30, Alnico Blue cover a lot of ground, though.

We thought it'd be a good way for high gain players, especially, to get more out of our IRs. It also works pretty well to alleviate the "tone suck" imposed by most attenuators.

I always intended to send out an update after seeing how they were received, but it just fell through the cracks. My apologies. I will send out and update, soon.

Glad to see you guys are getting some mileage out of them.
Thanks for the update Red. I'll check login in with my account
Send us a mail if you can!