Mixer, PA and Speakers - Impedance Question


May 14, 2008
Well, this is a really basic question and I've done my research however, I'd rather be sure in case I misunderstood and damage my equipment (which I cannot afford to do).

My question is...I'd like to take the Control Outs of my Mixer to be projected from a PA speaker with an impedance of 8 Ohms.

The Mixer Control outs have an impedance of 120 Ohms.

The PA system has line inputs of 22 kOhms.

So, it would be a bad idea to connect the Control outs directly to the speaker since the source is much larger than the load resulting in changes in frequency response and a reduction in level and basically stuff I don't want. Right or wrong?

So by attaching the control outs to the PA which has a large load impedance and as per usual, feeding the speakers from the PA, the whole situation is solved.

I'm asking this, if you don't mind, because I've read so much about this and would like to clarify with this example. Am I right or wrong in my reasoning?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I just realised that normal monitors have huge impedances which really solves my query.