Redemption performance(s)


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
Didn't see a Redemption specific thread about their performance(s), so I thought I would start one. They were my favorite band of this year's lineup going in, so I was really anticipating them to blow the roof off like they did last time they were here. I can only say that it was ..... different. I am curious of others' thoughts as well as details from the Saturday morning show if anybody could relate them please.
The Saturday show was considerably tighter than the Friday performance. Redemption holds a special spot in my heart, so I loved Friday's performance, glitches and all, but the Saturday show was technically better. I hope you all get a chance to see it on DVD soon.
There were some obvious technical difficulties, most of which were made up for at the Saturday morning show. Ray looked and sounded better than ever at both! The sound was a bit compromised by the glitches on Friday night - but not much. Overall I loved the guitar sound, but the drums were a bit loud in the mix (and Alan's synths a bit low.) Overall, though, one of the highlights for me, no question... excluding the distraction of the video screen and computer graphics.
What Saturday show Did I miss anything? I thought there was no saturday show for gold badgers this year!!!
That big-ass screen should be used more often! Such a cool change of pace!

The big ass screen is not cheap. It's half the reason we turned to Kickstarter.

I am glad you liked it, though -- it took a ton of work but I was quite pleased with it and am glad the audience seemed to enjoy it. The response to some of the images -- Dio, notably -- was awesome.
The big ass screen is not cheap. It's half the reason we turned to Kickstarter.

You had to rent and bring the screen!?

Screen at work:
Finally getting to hear “Parker’s Eyes” live was one of the highlights of the fest for me!

Loved the screen and the special tributes, although I didn’t know that Eric Cook from Lethal had become one of the “fallen”. So sad. :(
The big ass screen is not cheap. It's half the reason we turned to Kickstarter.

I am glad you liked it, though -- it took a ton of work but I was quite pleased with it and am glad the audience seemed to enjoy it. The response to some of the images -- Dio, notably -- was awesome.

I also really liked the screen, it added a lot to the set. I really enjoyed both sets, Friday on the side in the seats and Sat morning along the rail. Your sets were the highlight of the fest for me. I'm really looking forward to the DVD and to your next album.
They played Origins of Ruin on Saturday morning. When the last note faded away, we were all standing there silently. Ray made a joke about the song never going over well. I don't know about everyone else, but it is such an emotionally searing song, I was left wrung out at the end. It's not that I didn't want to cheer, I just didn't want to ruin the moment.
They played Origins of Ruin on Saturday morning. When the last note faded away, we were all standing there silently. Ray made a joke about the song never going over well. I don't know about everyone else, but it is such an emotionally searing song, I was left wrung out at the end. It's not that I didn't want to cheer, I just didn't want to ruin the moment.

Silly girl that I am.... I was crying. I thought it amazing that every one of us just stood there silently when the song ended. Was indeed a moment...
They added Nocturnal and Origins of Ruin, and redid some of the Friday night songs...

It was not a 'concert' per se....they just added the two they didn't have time for on Friday night and redid a couple. Oh, and a stand up comedian. Who knew? hahahaha
Silly girl that I am.... I was crying. I thought it amazing that every one of us just stood there silently when the song ended. Was indeed a moment...

I very nearly had that issue during at least 3 songs on Friday night. And I don't cry. Having recently become a parent...hearing Parker's Eyes was very close to too much for me. I did blubber, but stayed dry. Seeing Nick energetic and strong playing Stronger than Death was absolutely emotional as hell, and I almost lost it again. The Warriors and Fallen but Not Forgotten images really cranked up the impact of that song.

The screen was a really amazing amplifier for what I already knew was going to be a crushing set. The images during Parker's Eyes, especially the greyscale of the newborn, holy shit. I've had so many of the sentiments from that song running through my head in the last 8 months...and Ray really brought them crushing in. He is, in my mind, the absolute best voice for Nick's writing.

If I had heard Origins of Ruin too there would've been no way for me to not be embarrassed by being a sobbing fat hairy dude at a metal show.

The only thing I wanted that I didn't get was the Fullness of Time suite. But you can't get it all. Redemption's set was definitely the most exhausting, personal, and emotional musical experience I've ever had. And there's only once place you can get that...