Redemption song a Tea party anthem?

Scumbag Conservatives: "The Constitution is all the law we need!" Against progressive changes to the law.

It's not all the law we need, but it is the basis for law. The Constitution is law. All laws are subordinate to it. This is the compact we made as a nation. If progressive changes are desired, there's a way to do that: get two thirds of Congress to agree with you and 75% of state legislatures.

Trying to get around the Constitution's limits just destroys respect for the law. If the Constitution isn't binding, then no laws are binding.
Progressive is basically the new word for "liberal." The latter term had become toxic, so liberals adopted the term "progressive" because it doesn't smell quite so bad.
Kinda like "Quantitative Easing" or "revenue enhancements."
Progressive is basically the new word for "liberal." The latter term had become toxic, so liberals adopted the term "progressive" because it doesn't smell quite so bad.
Kinda like "Quantitative Easing" or "revenue enhancements."

Thanks. I was trying to gently and cordially call BS on attempts to frame the public discourse in language that is slanted towards one end of the political spectrum.
Going back to progressive was stupid branding, because the progressives were the ones who wanted to regiment society, ban alcohol, and better the human race through eugenics.

That would be like conservatives saying, "You know, this conservative thing sounds threatening to a lot of people. We should call ourselves fascists instead."
It depends which side of the pond you're on, as to which type of conservative/progressive you are. Which I find pretty interesting, as to which alignments merged in the US to form today's parties.
It's not all the law we need, but it is the basis for law. The Constitution is law. All laws are subordinate to it. This is the compact we made as a nation. If progressive changes are desired, there's a way to do that: get two thirds of Congress to agree with you and 75% of state legislatures.

Trying to get around the Constitution's limits just destroys respect for the law. If the Constitution isn't binding, then no laws are binding.

I'm not saying the Constitution is a bad idea, I'm saying it was created with the notion that it was not perfect, and could not forsee all future changes to social changes, and nearly all of the Conservative Base don't consider that.
Progressive is basically the new word for "liberal." The latter term had become toxic, so liberals adopted the term "progressive" because it doesn't smell quite so bad.

Actually, I was referring to forward and modern thinking. For example, allowing gay marriage, repealing DOMA, creating term limits in congress and the senate, stopping ridiculous wars, cutting defense spending by 1/3 or more, and eliminating tax loopholes for businesses.

I don't really care what the politico stances are anymore, because it doesn't matter. Once they're elected, all they want is as much money and power as can be had, on either side of the fence.
The Constitution doesn't stand in the way of any of those things. DOMA in fact, is clearly unconstitutional. Congress has no power to define marriage one way or another.
I'm not saying the Constitution is a bad idea, I'm saying it was created with the notion that it was not perfect, and could not forsee all future changes to social changes, and nearly all of the Conservative Base don't consider that.

Indeed, and so the Founders very wisely included a mechanism for the Constitution to be modified.
--But they also, very wisely, made that mechanism's threshold appropriately difficult to reach, requiring a supermajority of states to concur on amendments.
Exactly. But that's inconvenient, so progressives took to court-packing instead. Although as they are finding out, once that can of worms is opened, conservative and libertarians can play that game too. One more Republican win and the Supreme Court will have a very conservative majority. Possibly 7-2, at least 6-3.

Then maybe the left will learn to love the amendment process.