Rediscovering Threshold


Jul 26, 2002
Round Rock, TX
Hi guys and gals

This is my first post here in the Threshold forum. I wanted to write something a bit meaningful and I guess I finally found something to write about.

I got into Threshold, I can't seem to remember how, but I do remember I started with the Critical Energy Live album. Played it a lot for a couple of years. Then got Subsurface, which got decent playback when it was released but then I put it off after a couple of months or so. Then Dead Reckoning was released and I was floored. Loved this album so much I woke up everyday for a few months with the opening riff/intro from Slipstream. After Mac's passing I kind of put Threshold on the shelf for a while..Maybe a couple of years.

Late last year I heard about this new band called Headspace. Wow. I was floored: the concept, the lyrics, the riffs...Probably one of my favorite releases in a while. But one thing that kind of struck me with that album was the voice. Damian's voice. I knew he was part of Threshold but never listened to the catalog before Critical Energy. Anyways, learned that Threshold and Damian were back together and were recording a new album ("March of Progress") and it was Ok but it did not quite have an impact as the Headspace album or the Threshold albums I had listened before.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to get Clone and Hypothetical. Holy mother of God!! WTF was I missing. Been playing those two albums non-stop for this past week or so and have been loving those every single minute. Ravages of Time kind of sticked out for me but both albums are unbelievable. I started paying more attention to the guitar playing for some reason, and found tons of crushing riffs...Once this clicked I decided to re-listen to the Threshold albums and it just clicked. Even March of Progress, which I initially thought was stale and not interesting enough for me, musically speaking. But to actually listen to it again, with the new mindset and appreciation I got from the previous Threshold album made me realize it is a great album. Probably not great as Hypothetical, Clone and Dead Reckoning but it is up there. I tried to listen to Psych but I guess the production turned me off a bit and with Wounded Land the same thing happened. But I will give them a chance. That I promise!

Anyways, just wanted to give a big thanks to Threshold for putting out such great music and giving me a spark to my listening habits. I was getting tired of prog for quite sometime now but you guys gave back that satisfaction that prog brings me.
