Hypothetical thoughts


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I have been on a Hypothetical kick lately. What a brilliant album. I also think the cover art is the best Threshold yet. The songs are dark and progressive and the vocals are some of the finest. This used to be my favourite Mac-era disc for so many years. Now, my favourite is Dead Reckoning, though.

What does everyone think of Hypothetical and how does it rank for you in the Threshold catalog?

We recently ran a "favourite album" poll on Threshold's Facebook page. Hypothetical was voted 3rd.

1. Dead Reckoning (145 votes)
2. Subsurface (74 votes)
3. Hypothetical (65 votes)
4. Critical Mass (54 votes)
5. Extinct Instinct (22 votes)
6. Wounded Land (16 votes)
7= Clone (13 votes)
7= Psychedelicatessen (13 votes)

Total: 402 votes (so far)

I hate Facebook more now because it has totally replaced message boards and killed the idea of having a proper discussion about a band's music. The poll is quite interesting with Subsurface being so high and Psychedelicatessen being at the bottom. Psychedelicatessen is my favourite Threshold album, period. I am glad to see Dead Reckoning on top, though.
Btw, anyone ever notice that the Hypothetical cover resembles Dallas, Texas (USA)?


Dallas, Texas (picture aken from the other side):
When I rank the albums in my head, I separate out the Mac era... but to keep things consistent, I would rank them this way:

1. Hypothetical
2. Subsurface
3. Extinct Instinct
4. Critical Mass
5. Dead Reckoning
6. Clone
7. Wounded Land
8. Psychedelicatessen

That being said, I love them all. I've never understood the love for Psychedelicatessen... I think there are great songs on the album, but it just never really jumped out at me... I haven't listened to it in a couple of years, maybe it's time to give it another try