Redoing my DAW - help


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2008
Been lurking here for a while so i thought id post.

Im basically redoing my DAW at home, i run a basic setup with minimal equipment.

At the moment im using

Laptop running vista ( Curse the world)
Alesis i/o 2
Cubase SX3
Yamaha Dtxpress II E-Kit - Through Superior 2.0

And various plugins.

Now here comes my main question, for things like Limiters,Compressors, EQ's etc i tend to use Waves Platinum ( yes its cracked, screw paying well over a grand).

Anyway ive recently heard alot of people bitching about waves and there company policies etc, id like to change all of that.

Plus i do plan on buying what im using.

So guys after the massive wall of a text, is there anyone out there that can reccomend me some Compressors,Eq's, and general tools for Mixing anything Metal and heavy. Whether they are freeware or bought.

Just looking at a home setup for now.

Cheers guys :yow:
Guys, he's admitting that he wants to go legit, so let's give him some props for that - then again, free/cheap plugins have been covered at length, but to aid in steering you to the path of salvation, Duskhammer, I too recently abandoned my pirating ways by buying the following:

REAPER - $50
Voxengo Marquis Compressor - $70
Voxengo Elephant - $70
AIX Electri-Q - FREE!! Woohoo!

And soon I wanna get either the URS 1975 or 1980 compressor for master bus use ($80 with student discount fuck yeah!!)

So yeah, props for going to the path of righteousness dude!
So yeah, props for going to the path of righteousness dude!


I agree, I would like to think that most regular people on this forum are not the kind of people who immediately jump on somebody's case. It's not easy for a lot of people. I can perfectly envisage the situation of the talented musician with access to the tools he needs via cracked software.......there is certainly a temptation to use what is good to achieve the sound he requires. It is also commendable however that he wants to try and achieve his sound through legitimate means. We have to remember that different sorts of people are on this forum - not everybody here is spending every last penny on equipment. Many people may be in financial hardship or may be students, and most people I imagine have other commitments in their lives which mean that they certainly won't be able to buy the sorts of equipment that some forum members have (I remember seeing a guy quoting that he had spent about $22,000 on audio stuff, something completely ridiculous for the average joe). Bearing this in mind, it is easy to see why somebody can happily settle for the cracked Waves set, or the cracked superior drums etc. We must at least give the guy credit for trying to produce his music in a legitimate and genuine fashion, I wouldn't like to think of the forum bashing people who try to change for the better......
May i emphasize that i simply only use cracked Waves, as paying over a grand for a series of plugins that expire after a year and require a fee of 300 quid - is ridiculous.

So as i said before, are there any plugins i can BUY, that are of industry standard, reccomended and get the job done, and also is there any freeware gems im missing.

Got to love the internet. ( cheers for the people who stuck up for me and actually had a brain)

Safe x
May i emphasize that i simply only use cracked Waves, as paying over a grand for a series of plugins that expire after a year and require a fee of 300 quid - is ridiculous.
Yeah man its just that thats not really your call to make. Don't like it, don't use it.
Ditch your cracked waves plugs. They will hunt you down and sue you if they find you out. Seriously, I've seen video of their sting operations (it's not on the net, they won't release it, very scary though.) Find suitable replacements. I recommend the Universal Audio UAD-2 stuff. They beat Waves IMO and they are much more affordable.