I have a 60 dollar USB mic and well it records EVERYTHING and has some background noise that gets rather tiresome when editing. Is there any way to reduce as I'm recording? or is my only bet to edit it out everytime I record something.
I'm having a really hard time mixing and mastering my vocals.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5480294/VOCAL AMSTER.mp3
Crit please. I'm a newb at mixing and mastering and my mic is crap! its very annoying to work with. I'm trying to get my vocals out there so I gotta be able to mix them alright.
I'm having a really hard time mixing and mastering my vocals.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5480294/VOCAL AMSTER.mp3
Crit please. I'm a newb at mixing and mastering and my mic is crap! its very annoying to work with. I'm trying to get my vocals out there so I gotta be able to mix them alright.