Redwire Impulses (clip inside)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So i bought the redwire impulses for the Mesa V30 Bigbox and also the uberkab and i must say, im very impressed. My guitar is at my local music store having EMG's put in (:kickass:) so i had some time to mess with these impulses. If it sounds like shit, dont let it sway your opinion on these fantastic impulses, if they sound good, then go out and buy them!

Clip Impulse Test.mp3

(Mind you i dont have the greatest mixing room right now (its a 10x10x8 storage room that im in until i move into my new apartment this saturday) so sorry if i suck and stuff!)

Mesa Impulse Test.mp3
Uberkab Impulse Test Uberkab.mp3
Blend Of Both Impulse Test Blend.mp3
Sounds pretty good.
Is this without post processing?
And did you use an ampsim or is it a real amp?
And the uberkab, is it the V30 version or the other one?

just a HP and LP. This was done with amp sims and the uberkab is the V30 one. Its crazy how many options you have as far as mics, positions, bit rate etc. I also bought the full version of recabinet so i am gonna do a shootout when i get in my new apartment.