Regarding: A specific version of Deadnight Warrior.

The Butt

The Admiral
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
My apologies if it's been asked before... but does anyone know where I can hear the version of Deadnight Warrior from 97 or 98... that was played out of tune? If it's available at all?

It was mentioned on the Stockholm Knockout DVD (Alexi said it nearly meant the end of the band's career, it was so embarrassing, bla bla blah), but I don't have it anymore, so I don't remember the name of the show at all or the date. Which sorta hinders my ability to google it. :erk:
i'm pretty sure the gig he was talking about was tavastia 97 or 98, i don't remember exactly, and the only footage of that was on the dvd, it had a few clips from that show when he was talking about how much that gig sucked. i bet they have the video but i doubt anyone else does.
I doubt a single soul outside of COB/Spinefarm has seen it. Except for maybe personal friends and stuff.

You'll win £100,000,000,000 on the lottery before they allow you to download THAT gig.
I doubt a single soul outside of COB/Spinefarm has seen it. Except for maybe personal friends and stuff.

You'll win £100,000,000,000 on the lottery before they allow you to download THAT gig.

Bet you Zarok has it :lol:
I doubt a single soul outside of COB/Spinefarm has seen it. Except for maybe personal friends and stuff.

You'll win £100,000,000,000 on the lottery before they allow you to download THAT gig.

Wow, that's pretty balls. :lol:

I was really anxious to hear it.
Nope, I don't have it but I'd like to see it, too.

I'm pretty surprised that Alexi didn't destroy the recordings of that gig.
i think i remember seeing a video of that gig, and it was not from the DVD cos i saw it was befor the dvd came out. no idea where, it was just one 20 second clip.

and you probably can't remember where you heard that do you?
Technical/playing issues are always fun to watch :cool: