Regarding the heat/air


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Specific vocalists are unable to perform in cold rooms. If that vocalist requests that the air be turned off for the duration of their set, I will comply. It's either that or endure a subpar performance which more people will note and complain. That is not fair to the vocalist.

This is not something new and I'm sure it will happen again the future.

I always turn the air back on when they have about 15 minutes left in their set. It takes a while to bring the temperature back down.
Specific vocalists are unable to perform in cold rooms. If that vocalist requests that the air be turned off for the duration of their set, I will comply. It's either that or endure a subpar performance which more people will note and complain. That is not fair to the vocalist.

This is not something new and I'm sure it will happen again the future.

I always turn the air back on when they have about 15 minutes left in their set. It takes a while to bring the temperature back down.


there were temp concerns?
everything was fine on all accounts as far as I saw.....
I'm sure Sonata Arctica is one of those bands. It was an oven at Jaxx when they were there the other night. I was told that Khan was the same way when Kamelot was there.

I'm sure Sonata Arctica is one of those bands. It was an oven at Jaxx when they were there the other night. I was told that Khan was the same way when Kamelot was there.


Khan told us himself that he had the air turned off because it "fucks up" his voice, due to the dryness. I loved the show, so I couldn't really complain that is was almost 1000 degrees in there.
I was only hot during Primal Fear's set, but I assumed that was because I was rocking out too hard. I felt fine during the rest of the weekend. Didn't notice any problems at all.
no issues from me either, except during Primal Fear's set when I had to step out to the [smoke-filled *cough*cough*] lobby for about the last half. But I know why the air was turned off for a bit, so that's not a complaint.

*cough*cough* ... what happened to the no smoking policy from last year? is my question.

Word Hoyt. The smoking in the lobby was horrid. And then when the doors opened inside smoke would come in and fill it up too. Its not just that I don't want to breathe in second hand smoke, its also that I just that I hate it.
It gets HOT in center stage. I just never had any idea the bands prefer it that way until i was told of kahn's preference that year kamelot was on.
The gear and lights generate alot of heat. Plus don't forget to add 2000 sweating bodies and the huge amount of heat coming off of the large poweramps pumping the volume to the subwoofers... sauna city baby !
i think it only gets hot when your crowded in front of the stage when the air is off.

alot of festivals are outside, so im just glad that we have the pleasure of getting something like this indoors.
I'm not a finicky 72 yr old grandpa, so slight temp fluctuations at an indoor concert does not bother me.

The smoke does bother me, and at times it was pretty rancid in the lobby. All in all, I'd say Glenn gets just about everything "right" at PP, so it's really only a slight concern at best. Would I support no smoking inside, yes. But, ultimately I will forget about the smoke issue after this thread is gone, and after a load of laundry.
Just a thought- Is there a way to have the A/C turned off on stage, but have a couple of Industrial fans blowing out at the crowd?

I don't know if it would work, but maybe a thought for next year. The heat wouldn't be as bad if it weren't as stuffy perhaps?

But then again, with the "crop duster" again, perhaps that would be a bad idea as it would spread the stink around...

Would I support no smoking inside, yes. But, ultimately I will forget about the smoke issue after this thread is gone, and after a load of laundry.

Hey I used to be a smoker...but I would go outside if possible or go where the smoking area is. However, even after the thread is gone and my clothes are washed, the smoking issue will still be with me. I missed some acts this year due to the asthma attacks I got from all the smoke. So it' smore than just stinky clothes. I mentioned it once to Glenn. He knows. Glenn is a good man. Once you make him aware of the problem he does what he can to resolve it. I'm hopeful on this one...Glenn is after all...THE MAN!

You're a gentleman for explaining this at all.
This is the first year I've ever noticed it, but Saturday night was freaking hot in the upper seats, and it was noticablly different (to me) from other years.
I'll not bitch, since I know it was all about the music!

Thanks again for proactively explaining the situation.
I realized how warm it got in there myself and I immediately know what it was after my experience with the Kamelot show and even Sonata Arctica just this past Wednesday at Jaxx. During the Kamelot show, it was so friggan hot. I don't know how he could do it wearing that big overcoat (and he was friggan panting - looked like if he was even going to make the show!).

And admittedly, a lot of it is due to just the shear amount of people, and yes, those lights and amps and stuff does throw off some serious heat (geez, even my home amp throws out some friggan heat). Not only that, I managed to work up a pretty good sweat just from all the hangbanging and such I was doing!

Overall, a kick-ass show and a really enjoyable time I had. But at the same time, I am so friggan glad I am back home and right now, queuing up some of these CDs I bought on my player! Right now, listening to Ride the Sky - New Protection. Pretty kick ass!