Rehersal space un-appreciation thread

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
So last night I goe's down there and right off the bat, every door leading to our room is Wide open, Then, I see dirty buckets of shitty water in the middle of the floor by the bathroom, which means A) they have finally cleaned the bathroom that was overflowing with fecies, vomit, piss and who knows what else for WEEKS, or B) there is a serious flood issue. Get inside our door, and it's so fucking cold my hands went instantly numb, as I saw my breath like smoke in front of me. Yeah, it was that fucking cold. Then, i look on Dave C's amp and see a puddle of water on his amp, and water all over dave S.'s Bass head as well!!!!!!! This is out of control!!!!!

WTF, I don't know man, but this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Yeah. Im pretty lucky. My triangle can't be submerged but it can take some water and not be too badly damaged.
I love Drynwhyl's practice space... it's a little narrow room that spans the length of a three car garage in the back... it's got a nice space where we've set up all the amps and my little Pearl 5 piece.. it's lit entirely by black lights as well! there's even a section behind there where I've dragged a couch, TV, Computer, and a NES and Genesis.... it's fucking awesome.
Nice!!! Ours is 25 by 25 with 12 foor ceelings. It's nicw, but old and there are about 3million other bands that play there all the time, which sucks ass, cause you can never concentrate min there whilst working on stuff, ohh an d the ceelings leaks along with all the other stuff i was complkaining about!
Sorry to hear it man - we'll soon be completely without a space, since we are about to move out of the house that three of us share. It was fun as hell to just wake up, drink some coffee, and just walk on over to the jam room for several hours at a time. We could pretty much practice any time as long as it was before dark.
Rohirrim's space in Danvers is nice, it's a little small, but it's actually in a decent section of town and not in the acre like the shroud space, (if right across the street from Pope's landing in Danversport, about 1/2 mile down the street from that damn ink factory that blew up). the only problem is, there must be some new neighbors who moved in and didn't realize that there were spaces in the area because there have been complaints about the noise, even though the Danvers noise ordinance doesn't take effect until 10 or 11 pm i believe. we're usually out of there by 10 anyways. we had the Danvers police pay us a visit as we're jamming on some Pantera with our amps turned up to 11. they opened the door as we're jammin' and at first i thought they just heard Pantera and wanted to come up, so we were still jamming and we're all "come on in!" then they told us that the neighbors didn't like the noise. to which we said "well the noise ordinance doesn't happen yet right?" they called the cops on us last week too. doesn't help that there were probably 3 other metal bands playing that night as well. but still...fucking shitty having the cops called when you're not violating any ordinance whatsoever. and considering you can barely hear the music in the parking lot outside, i think the neighbors can deal with it.
ehh whatever, we just deal with it. it's only happened a couple of times. it's not even our band that makes all the noise, it's the band on the other side of the building, because that's the side where all the houses are. the cops come to our room because it's near the front of the building.
I remember one time (back in the day) my band was in the middle of practicing, and I see something moving out of the corner of my eye (I was vocals/guitar). I finally look over, and see a waterfall coming out of the vent in the ceiling dumping right down onto our mixing board!

I knocked the thing away and when we ran upstairs to see what the heck was happening in the room above us. Our bassist's little brother had put some dirty shoes in a large tub with the plug in, so it was just overflowing with water like crazy right down into the floor vents!

Good times!

EDIT: The great thing is, that mixer still works to this day, 15 years later!