Related threads feature??

From what I've seen in various forums, the function seems to grab a couple of words from the subject of a thread & seek out other threads with those words in the subject line. How related they actually are is anyone's guess..hehe.
Yeah, it seems to be a simple search and list... another new feature that is pretty, but apparently quite useless. :Spin:

It's late, gimme a break. ;)
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It's kind of like a news segway.

"Doctors treating a ninty-year-old pregnant woman claim that because of her advanced age she will have a grown-up."

In a completely related story:

"A sixty-five-year-old fitness expert trotting backward from Winnipeg to Chile in an effort to promote backward trotting was killed today when she was hit by a truck head-on from the rear."

Now, here's Tom with the weather.
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Ultima Ibanez Overlord said:
Segway? You mean 'segue', right? Or do you spell it as "segway" in the states?

Nope, it's segue here too, but much like voila often being spelled *walla*, some folks spell by ear.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Nope, it's segue here too, but much like voila often being spelled *walla*, some folks spell by ear.
of course everyone is allowed to make a few spelling mistakes, but sometimes it seems some people not only spell by ear, but they do it being deaf! :p
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I have noticed some have nothing to do with each other,but from time to time one appears that has something to do
mourningstar said:
of course everyone is allowed to make a few spelling mistakes, but sometimes it seems some people not only spell by ear, but they do it being deaf! :p

Ultima Ibanez Overlord said:
:lol: I thought something similar. Unless those people are German and pronounce a 'w' as a 'v'...

YAY!! Val and Lee in the same thread!! How are you two???

As for the spelling thing, I just try to ignore it..I am totally anal when it comes to spelling (won lots of spelling bees in school and so on), and if I didn't ignore it, it'd drive me batshit.. :lol:
Lady of the Oracle said:
YAY!! Val and Lee in the same thread!! How are you two???

we're pretty well, jax, thank you :) you? june's almost here, is that you were waiting for, weren't you?

Lady of the Oracle said:
As for the spelling thing, I just try to ignore it..I am totally anal when it comes to spelling (won lots of spelling bees in school and so on), and if I didn't ignore it, it'd drive me batshit.. :lol:
my goodness, spelling bees? a sort of transgenic monsters?
(ok, let's try to imagine them: fat and cute); if each spelling bee were associated to a word to spell correctly, the one with "definitely" written on its back would have committed suicide ages ago. probably "deffinuttaly" is the only version i haven't read yet :tickled:
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mourningstar said:
we're pretty well, jax, thank you :) you? june's almost here, is that you were waiting for, weren't you?

I'm doing great, thanks! Keeping very busy, which is a good thing! :) And yes, I was waiting for June..the countdown to good things for Jax has begun!

What will you two be doing with your summer? Spending any of it together?

my goodness, spelling bees? a sort of transgenic monsters?

:lol: :lol:
Spelling bee = a spelling contest usually held in school. ;)

(ok, let's try to imagine them: fat and cute); if each spelling bee were associated to a word to spell correctly, the one with "definitely" written on its back would have committed suicide ages ago. probably "deffinuttaly" is the only version i haven't read yet :tickled:

ROFL! :lol: