Release Part for The Great Escape - Dec 4, 2010

I must say that yesterday was awesome and the show was great. But the thing I remember the most was talking to everyone in the band.Taking time and talk to all the fans that you all do is pretty awesome in my book Andreas! Thanks!
And to Johnny I'm sorry I turned down your proposal for a "efterfest" at 03.00 outside Mornington hotel..hehe. I was the bloke with the home made Seventh Wonder cap :-)
And thanks to i believe it was Kazar for our long talk about music in the middle of the night at know a lot about music my friend. Me and my friend was from upnorth Sweden remember.
See you all some other time.
I'm also very grateful for a fantastic Saturday evening spent away from home. You guys are really a wonder on stage.

But please, if you ever meet the guy responsible for the smoke button, don't send any thanks to him.

Here's a video of the last song - the 'surprise' for Johnny and for us. Great fun!

Looking forward for the next live show now.
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Safe and sound at home after a long journey home, but what an amazing weekend it was!!

It was great meeting so many new and fantastic people in these two days, music really bonds. Johnny's last gig was a show to remember, that's for sure!

@Jonta; Of course I remember, I really enjoyed talking to the both of you (in the venue and in the middle of the night in Mornington-hotel as well). You know you're talking to people with SW-hearts when home-made hats are made... ;-)
It was also very cool hanging out with the other forum-members that were there :rock: .

Andreas, Tommy, Johan, Kyrt and Johnny; 'thank you so much' for making these days really special!
Here's a video of the last song - the 'surprise' for Johnny and for us. Great fun!
Hahaa, just hilarious! :goggly: And, lyrically it's pretty descriptive to play I Want Out on Johnnys last show, but if he is a Helloween-fan (which I didnt know, so Johnny next time we see we got lot to talk about :) ), it was an ultimate farewell-tune for him, and suitably self-ironic too :)

Thanks for other vids too. Really enjoyed watching them, almost felt like being there!
That's one of the reasons I take videos, so I'm glad to hear it.

Here's the photos


PS: Kazar (and the others from the forum whom I met and whose nick here I do not know) - also very nice meeting you folks.

Great photos :D
If you are who I think you are I met you, I'm one of the guys in the front row shot! It was indeed very nice meeting the forum people. A great night was had by all :D
Great photos :D
If you are who I think you are I met you, I'm one of the guys in the front row shot! It was indeed very nice meeting the forum people. A great night was had by all :D
That's me (such a cryptic dialogue here :p) Cheers!
Aye was cool meeting a few people from here. Kazar seemed to share the appreciation for the lyrical and technical content of seventh wonder as I do, which was awesome, as alot of people don't understand this passion xD
I gotta say guys, as with all Seventh Wonder shows this was an absolute treat. Was a pleasure to meet and hang out with fellow Seventh Wonderers to talk music, share the awesome music and the fun.

Great meeting you and hopefully we'll cross paths again soon :-)
@AndreaC; it was very nice meeting you indeed.

@Shadowsoul; absolutely!
Every aspect of their music appeals to me deeply. Tommy and Andreas always spend a lot of time creating all those lyrics (sometimes it's hard to believe that English isn't their native language). The symbolism they use in a lot of songs is just wonderful. There's a lot more to some songs - the underlying theme - that we are aware of, I'm sure of that.
I absolutely love how the rythm of the words are combined with the melodies within the songs - two examples from the new album; "I got a broken smile....Michael left this world" and "Goodnight Ofelia.....treat me kind". Simply amazing! It is so true what is said about Tommy: "Karevik has an ear for vocal melody that most would kill for". Yes, the man has an amazing gift :notworthy .

The technical aspect/playing in some parts of the songs is even more amazing if you know what the idea behind it was. The awesome proggy part between 'Lust' and 'Reason' (in 'The Great Escape') is there for a special reason: an (almost) mathematical way of playing, showing the transision the people underwent in that phase while onboard the ship. Fantastic, right?!

It was really nice hanging out with you guys, let's do that again sometime ;-)
It was a fun show (good sound but a bit dark on stage) and we had a great time.
This marks the end of Johnny's time in the band which is very sad but I do think he went out with a bang! :-D

I can't understand how you even could see your instruments in that dark, especially Kyrt and Johan! Thanks for a great show and a liftetime memory :rock:, a pity that Mornington Hotel didn't want to have us partying int their lobby ;) and I really do hope that Johnny finally got on the right bus from Centralen... ;)
A WE SO ME!!! thanks to the favolous FIVE and to everyone we were glad to meet and to talk with there. Kazar (remember we're living a parallel life 1'000 kms far ;-)...) you're absolutely righ, there so many "details" that are absolutely genial (GogogogoGoodnight Ofelia...). Let's do it again somewhere (mmmh Johan...) again in future, with Johnny of course! I scare "I Want out" Johnny singing video will have more than Alley 60'000 views ihihih :-))