Releases 2009!



Too many good albums this year!
You people should check out the new/upcoming Augury album Fragmentary Evidence. Totally awesome progressive and technical death metal. If you like for example new Obscura or Augury's first album you are gonna love this album. It's bit heavier and better. One of the year's highlights along with (hopefully) new Skyfire.

As mentioned above, new Deströyer 666 is a great album and I also recommend you to check out new Asphyx and The Project Hate MCMXCIX albums. Crushing death metal.
I found the first half of the new Augury very weak and the second half awesome. Not really sure how I feel about the CD as a whole, but I think I liked their debut more.

Of all the albums I've listened to, these are my absolute favorite of 2009 so far:

Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs

Candlemass- Death Magic Doom

Skyfire - Esoteric (Oh pish posh, you'll all get it soon)

Drudkh- Microcosmos

The Gathering - The West Pole

Mastodon - Crack The Skye

Ulcerate - Everything Is Fire

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart- The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart

Looking forward to:

Orphaned Land - ORWarriOR (or whatever the fuck it's called)

Mew - No More Stories

Cage - Depart From Me (Hip hop fans should be frothing at the mouth for this one)

Katatonia -TBA
finally got around to getting skyforger. anybody have any particular favorite tracks? i am becoming quite addicted to sky is mine and sampo.

haven't listened to the entire thing yet - i've just been going through it during my drive to work today. they really have impressed ever since they sharply reversed paths from what they were doing on far from the sun (and acquired the new singer - his name escapes me for the moment).

Sorry this is a bit late I'm sure you've digested the new material already. Skyforger has been growing on me every day and I must say it is absolutely brilliant. My favorites are Sampo and Skyforger as of now, though From Earth I Rose, Silver Bride, Sky is Mine, Majestic Beast, and My Sun have all cycled through. Make sure you get the bonus track and the track Separated from the Silver Bride CDs / Jap release. 2 heavy tracks make the album that much stronger.
Kind of off topic but also kind of relevant, but with SPV going under, alot of bands are going to be in a state of flux... great ones like Moonspell, Symphony X, etc. Blows, but I was told that other labels are already courting SPV's bands now as we speak.
Kind of off topic but also kind of relevant, but with SPV going under, alot of bands are going to be in a state of flux... great ones like Moonspell, Symphony X, etc. Blows, but I was told that other labels are already courting SPV's bands now as we speak.
Your forgot Evergrey, Suidakra, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Kreator, Kamelot, Motörhead, Iced Earth and Type O Negative. Btw, InsideOut Music is Symphony X's label so they are safe.

But yeah, SPV closing it's doors is quite a bummer. But the bands I mentioned will most likely get a new label home. Some of those will get signed by bigger labels and some of them will end up being flagships of smaller labels. Especially Nuclear Blast has signed a lot of new bands lately so I think they are gonna capture few of those. Would be quite ironic if Century Media signs Iced Earth again. If I remember right they didn't depart on very good terms. Probably IE would just refuse to sign with CM though.
SPV owns Inside Out (they actually kicked the original owners .. And no I didn't "forget" anything, hence the "etc."

It's not closing its doors either. It's still going to continue, but bands will probably leave the label because it obviously cannot support them. Usually in contracts, it states that if the label is to go bankrupt the contract is terminated, and if it doesn't say that, bands can consider the bankruptcy contract breach and leave themselves. And no CM is not signing IE.

And obviously, SymX will have no problem signing with someone like Nuclear Blast because they sell records. But Evergrey for example I suspect will have a lot of trouble finding a new label outside of Sweden.
how's anyone feel about nightrage's latest?

it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff but marios is still one very satisfying guitarist to listen to. pretty much all of his lead work gets ingrained in my head.
Well that pretty much explains their bankruptcy. They spent big money on bands that aren't relevant. When Alice Cooper sells 50,000 records and you spend quadruple that on a recording budget alone... well... lol ouch. I've also heard stories from one band who was on SPV that is now on a different label that got dicked around pretty bad.

But I wouldn't call SymX or Moonspell shit or a hasbeen. :D
how's anyone feel about nightrage's latest?

it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff but marios is still one very satisfying guitarist to listen to. pretty much all of his lead work gets ingrained in my head.

Marios sucks Alex Skolnick's cock so hard haha, but he's a solid player. I actually interviewed him for the zine I used to write for years ago when Descend Into Chaos came out. I'll have to check the new one out, they've never put out a bad CD so far.
how's anyone feel about nightrage's latest?

it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff but marios is still one very satisfying guitarist to listen to. pretty much all of his lead work gets ingrained in my head.

Love it. Melodic lead city. Reminds me of the good old 93-97 years with a modern touch.
quite a shock that SPV's lineup of has-beens and shit powermetal isnt finding success!

wut fukk u idi0t nub ur stuoopid fuck Helloween and Gamma Rock are just as bawws now as they were in da 80s my Dad who's sick like rick told me last night.

Yeah not really a surprise SPV went under. It's like they wanted to gather up every act that looked like they should have stopped performing a decade ago and promoted them to a generally young adult crowd.

New Alice In Chains song is incredible. Fuck the hate yo.

Lol. I'm gonna be the commedian here:

You might be a fag if you listen to Alice In Chains.

You might be a fag if you admit on a death metal forum that you like Alice In Chains.

then again,

You might be a fag if you post on metal forums... :cry:
i likee the new disarmonia mundi ep. 'ghost song' is ridonkulous, and spiral dancer is pretty good too. always nice to hear speed working on music that doesn't suck.